Everything you read here is 100% Subject to change..Depending on Actions given below...But here's the Pitch to set up the stories.
"All right, welcome to Zephyr Kingdom, we have finally arrived! Please be extra careful, as the floating Islands and bridges connecting the islands are suspended in the air just above the clouds.. It's a long fall down." Spoke the blimp pilot though the speaker system scattered though the cabin.
Welcome to my reveal of a trailer to a large scale project that finally with a story board drafted a small bit, I can progress on making this a reality!
For a while now, I have been developing Devka in a lot of ways. Pictures of houses, fauna/flora, layouts, events and so much more. And there hasn't been a way to share it outside of Personal Messages until now.
Welcome to Stories of Devka.
Warning:This series of canon progression will contain rather mature themes in the forms of Blood, possible vulgar language, ultra long posts
Ambient sprints down the streets bolting for her life, as out of nowhere a loud screech was heard, as a griffin comes from above her digging their claws into her back, causing her to scream in pain and trip over rolling from her crash into the dirt. A soft noise of a gem bouncing across the ground into the open, as the griffin lands down onto the ground...
Dear who ever is the princess who reads this. Please tell me who we are truly writing to. Corona, Celestia, Luna? Like is it RNG based? Like they just get jumbled and sent to random princesses at all? When we say dear celestia is celestia reading or did Cadance get that letter? Who am or we truly writing to.. Cause I kinda like the idea that random messages get sent to random princesses world wide...
Cause it would be interesting to see a alicorn who doesn't even know Celestia be like "The fu...
Welcome to Ambients cannon progression, where it's finally time I laid some of the ground work for a much bigger project in Ambients life.
It's time for some canon posting for a while, as I must now do character development. There are 3 possible timelines that can happen. All of it is based on how everyone.. Yes everyone interacts with her for the next few posts depending on how most deal with it. Example: 60% kill someone. That's majority so that will happen ect.
. What are these timelin...
Hello Ambient Waves.
It's been a long, long time since we have last talked. But I wish to inform you as a diplomat of the Zephyr Kingdom and a piece keeper of a curtain jewel. Your goal is to keep peace between our Kingdoms, but two of your dragons you call Adine and Anna has killed a couple of my guards on Zephyr Kingdom grounds they were last seeing flying to Equestria. As you are already aware this is classified as a act of war in most griffins eyes.. We wish to know how the Zephyr Kingdom...
Hello Ambient,
We wish to inform you that Adine is a wanted dragon as well as Anna now. We have found three dead with claw marks, we are currently in lock down in the kingdom letting no one out or in. We wish you don't attempt to return till everything is checked and secure. Guards have been increased massivly so don't have to worry about me, we have now lost our chef Adine and our scientist Anna.. We have reason to believe dragons are trying to rebel for no reasons if one more happen we migh...
*Ambient receives a letter that had a sharp coloured red boarder signalling importance of the letter. *
Hello Ambient,
We have had a small problem, one of our guards were killed and Anna is missing, we have clear evidence that she was the attacker. We have claw marks around the room on the walls and on the armor. We are asking that if you receive any future to disregard and if you see her or she sent you a letter with her location, please let us know.
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Well, I am back with a new mentally and a lot of new things.
With that said few people have been blocked and the waters have tested and now I do have to say, such a better user experience for me beinf on this site, so I return and I considering how replies to blogs, posts or such go when it comes to people being general asshats will just be blocked and forgotten.
Things that will be returning
This blog really has no value and can be skipped freely, you lose nothing and commenting would just start another drama as always as I seem to be the Queen of that..please if you Do Read don't skim it, give it a proper read instead of bending it's narritive for your own gain. I will block if you have no useful input and just turn this into another fucking drama post.
Even that line there can start is it appears to be all I can do. I would just like to address a few things regarding
Random facts about Ambient no one asked for part 2!
Check out part 1 here https://canterlotavenue.com/blog/867/facts-about-ambient-no-one-asked-for/
Fact 7.
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Fact 1
Ambient acts differently depending on which sister she is with.
When she's alone she normally is herself a curious little spunge, always eager to learn either doing something stupid or such.