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Princess aura

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on March 13, 1993
Roleplay Availability
About Me
the non-cannon daughter of princess Luna.
Roleplay Universe
cannon/au/non cannon
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Cause
SCP Foundation
29 Members
Prince Carey
*gives Aura some candy and flowers.*
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Prince Carey
hope you feel well soon aura
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Prince Carey
*sneaks up behind aura*
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Princess aura
*is treating her follower pots*
Like December 31, 2017
Prince Carey
*pokes her.*
Like December 31, 2017
Princess aura
Like December 31, 2017
Prince Carey
*takes her in hooves right then and there then kisses her.*
Like January 16, 2018
Prince Carey
*bounces on aura.*
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Princess aura
im not a bouncy castle :P
Like December 23, 2017
Prince Carey
thats not what i heard ~
Like December 23, 2017
Princess aura
well im not :P so please stop it
Like December 23, 2017
Prince Carey
-whispers in your hear- mybe i'll top if you'll be my marefriend/
Like December 23, 2017
Prince Carey
um hy its your go
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Prince Carey
wanna rp?
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