
Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Character will develop through rp --
Right now she is In full ghostform, thus hindhooves are missing~
She has met ghostbit and starry sky..
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Status Update

Cinnamon flops down in the dirt and yawns, stretching out her hooves. The bunny pony appears sleepy!
2 people like this.
Minsa Rousain
Minsa, the bipedal bunny, looks at the way Cinnamon flops....she hums and smiles before flopping over beside Cinnamon. The bunny pile was forming!
Like September 19, 2020
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Minsa Rousain
"That's fair enough. Everybunny needs a holiday once in a while!" Minsa giggles a bit as she looks at the way Cinnamon hugged at her ear. At the mention of her eyes, Minsa would look closer to Cinnamon's and she'd hum and nod. "I suppose so! Your eyes are absolutely lovely, by the way."
Like September 19, 2020
“Mhm w..well that and trying to find back my family.. it’s a hugeeee family but I kinda lost them some time ago while grabbing carrots at a farm..” she then says “Somepony was a big bully to us bunny ponies!” She looks down nervously before smiling up at Minsa again a few seconds after. “T..they are... View More
Like September 19, 2020
Minsa Rousain
"I'm...I'm so sorry that you got separated....I have a larger family as well!" Minsa hums. "Though I find myself enjoy spinach more than I do carrots." Laying there, Minsa draws in the dirt with one of her little claws. "I....understand ponies perhaps not always being the nicest...." And another nod... View More
Like September 19, 2020