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Female. Lives in  Dragon Lands,  Equestria. Born on April 4, 1986
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The Castle
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The Hybrid known as the Drabbit hovered down to a nearby Ice-cream Parlor Whilst jotting something down onto a list. "...Sorry for Stealing some of your Lemon Flavored Iced treat." It appeared they we... View More
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[JaRQT]: What's your favorite part about Cotton and I might tell chu what Cotton thinks about your oc ?
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Princess Starwatcher
Adorable bunny *pets*
Like June 23, 2024
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Cotton hasn't met them but I'd say they'd think star is... neat ?
Like June 23, 2024
Princess Starwatcher
I would love to come pet you more er I mean hang out with you
Like June 23, 2024
Cotton would think star was weird for wanting to pet thems ^w^
Like June 23, 2024
Bright Brave
I guess I like his face. He seems nice enough.
Like June 23, 2024
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Cotton thinks of Bright being a weird-er version of Pinkie, just with a hatred against Changelings.
Like June 23, 2024
Bright Brave
A WEIRDER VERSION OF PINKIE!?!?!?!? *harumpf* Reformed changelings are beautiful. Unreformed changelings smelly really really bad, and are parasitical pestilence on society.
Like June 23, 2024
Best be careful cause Cotton's Wub is a Changeling, And doesn't take kindly to folk terrorizing them.
Like June 23, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Like June 23, 2024
Cotton really wubs Sprout fur not being spooked by her being a Hybrid uwu
Like June 23, 2024
Cuddly, adorable, and beautifully unique. Possibly delicious. Any friend of Spinneret is a friend of hers. Other than that, she gets the impression that her attention was unwanted and weird, so she's left the little gal alone.
Like June 23, 2024
Cotton thinks of Tal being weird.. but a good weird like Derpy!
Like June 23, 2024
Weird is good! Better than being -- ugh -- normal.
Like June 23, 2024
"......" Cotton remained quiet as she was busy Sitting at a pop-up stand after losing a bet. "Get... Smooches." She said with a growl in her voice whilst she awaited for her first customer. #rp
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Calaco Fleethoof
Calaco watched, entertained by the demeanor of the creature setting up the stand. The begrudging acceptance of one who lost and faces embarrassment, it reminded him of his old friends.
Like May 21, 2024
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Cotton suddenly turned her head to Cal, staring almost straight into their soul with a deathgaze!
Like May 21, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
He approached, chuckling. "Lost a bet of some sort I take it?"
Like May 21, 2024
"Shut. It. Nerd." She threatened, Huffing in response before asking. "I take you aren't a Custommer ?"
Like May 21, 2024
Bright Brave
"How much ?"
Like May 22, 2024
Tality spotted the booth and the creatures behind it. She glanced away politely, then decided she'd give it a spin and walked up with a smile. "Okay. You're okay with tongue, right?"
Like June 23, 2024
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The Drabbit had snuck away but returned after her break to notice the pony talking to her cardboard cut-out, Before giving a fake cough behind Tal.
Like June 23, 2024
"Not now, I'm talking to the pretty cardboard cut-out behind the desk."
Like June 23, 2024
"I...uh... Wah ?" Cotton was genuine confused if they were joking or not, and just stood there almost dropping her cup of water.
Like June 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Astro would walk up.* Wait, do I smooch you, or somepony else that has to be here? *He got confused quickly.*
Like June 24, 2024
"Why are you looking at me like that nerd ?... OF COARSE I ALWAYED LOOKED LIKE THIS!" The Drabbit shouted at you before huffing, crossing her paws in response, looking adorable in response. #rp
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Bright Brave
"Because you look like a nerd."
Like May 21, 2024
Huge thanks to the folk Behind the Rainbow Apocolypse event! I just suddenly remembered about It and then boom ^w^, also Didn't know Cotton could be this cute ^w^ off to find her Buggo Fwiend.
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Bright Brave
This looks and sounds awesome.
Like May 20, 2024
Heres something random: Do you prefer Cotton with just her back horns, Front horns, or both ?
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Bright Brave
Like May 20, 2024
"Whoever told you about being a Changeling is Wrong, Also you suck." The Drabbit said to you as she huffed... before kicking one of your legs. #rp
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Butchie Callihan
"Oh! So Sprout is a changeling, huh?! News to me! Thanks, pal." Butchie would cackle before smacking his back unintentionally hard.
Like May 18, 2024 Edited
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The Drabbit would barely felt it due to her Stong Drgon Genes, Before shrugging it off. "Still, You suck. Try'in to be all scary and what'not but in reality, It's just something you use to hide behind... or you're just crazy." She told them before unfurling her wings.
Like May 18, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would be picking her nose when the other would keep talking. She would flick a booger off her finger. "Oh, sorry. Could you repeat that? I was too busy scratching my brain stem." She shrugged sincerely.
Like May 18, 2024
"Nevermind, Just a Moron." the Drabbit told them before huffing, Too angy to even fly so she had to stomp off to whatever... Coming to a river just to toss away whatever she had snatched off that pony she talked to. Normally Dragons had a obsession habit but not now ? Could be from that strange loo... View More
Like May 18, 2024
"Huh?" The sand-yellow mare stares. "Look, I'm sorry about the other day in the hardware store, I was off my meds, but Diamond Tiara's the one who put the idea in my head." After a pause she leans in and whispers, "and I helped Spins hide a body once or twice."
Like May 22, 2024
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"W..ha... Who the heck are ya !? " She exclaimed, having never seen this mare before, nor even being in a hardware store before!
Like May 22, 2024
"I mean, it was wherever Sprout works, I just know it had garden wire because I used it to tie my hair back, and then Spi-- Sprout told me what all had happened. To tell the truth, I don't really know much about Sprout's life outside of when we're sitting our foals together, except that she's bangin... View More
Like May 22, 2024 Edited
Cotton tilted her head in confusion as she only heard a bit from the mare's Monolog and the rest was blank as she tuned her out. "I...Wah ?, Also You can drop the act cause I already know about my Giiiiiiiiirl Fwiend." She told them before squeezing their nose to stop them.
Like May 22, 2024
Bright Brave
Like May 22, 2024
(// This is a continuation of our role play. Also what's Necro-posting?) Marenipulate found that response from Cotton-tail intriguing. Fire. Smoldering. Seems like that connected with some sort of pa... View More
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// I don't know much about it but I think it's like replying to a old post ? "Phantom." This...Was unexpected, On how she got that with ash was something of a Mystery, But that was common for around Cotton at this point...
Like April 30, 2024
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// Ah gotcha. Marenipulate went silent for several seconds. That was quite unusual. Phantom basically meant not there or unseen. Now she had an idea to get really personal. "Alone," she replied, seeing if maybe there was a connection.
Like April 30, 2024
"Given." She said to the mare, in a quick answer.
Like April 30, 2024
"Hmm," Marenipulate uttered, trying to read the energy and the vibes shared among them in the somewhat of a meditation. "It almost seems like maybe your family disappeared in some sort of accident involving fire. That's quite ironic given the draconian nature. Tragic, though. It is hard to read wha... View More
Like April 30, 2024
Bright Brave
Happy berfday
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The Drabbit would've been busy in her cave, Feeling like She had to prepare for Easter but didn't know why !?, Something had urged her into hanging decoration's within her Cave, along with baking a ca... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins had been helping Cotton hang up the decorations. "Well, something tells me today's gonna be a good Friday."
Like March 29, 2024
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"Why chu say so ?" She asked her Buggofriend, Whilst trying to figure out what's a Birthday, Who's Birthday was she planning for, and Why was it important to her yet She didn't know why ?
Like March 29, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...I...don't know. Why, why did I say that?!" asked the changeling who lived in a world where the religious context behind Easter was nonexistent.
Like March 29, 2024
"Well I do know it's gonna be good cause of chu."
Like March 29, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would look up.* Why do I sense a disturbance? *He would find the cave.* Hello?
Like March 30, 2024
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Suddenly Nitro would've found themselves on the ground with The Hybrid pointing a Golden spear at their chest "Who. Are. You." She asked them with a rage burning in her eye's.
Like March 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Soulspins....Nitroxus Soulspins. I delievered your birthday gift.
Like March 30, 2024
"When was that ?"
Like March 30, 2024
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