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Celtic Cross

Male. Born on April 20, 1989
by on February 19, 2021
Some random thoughts after listening to Everywhere at The End of Time on YouTube. Don't listen to it if you are in a dark place, because it brings up a pretty dark or at least serious line of thought. I dove into the comments section as well to , and that did help to focus my thoughts a bit. I was never good at the following few things but I am certainly going to try to be starting now. I am not a good person but I will be better. Cherish your memories while you have them, and work to make th...
319 views 3 likes
by on March 13, 2018
Dear Princesses, Over the past few years, I've had a variety of life experiences that have changed me, formed who I am at my core. One of the most important lessons I've learned is that love is everywhere, and takes many different forms. When I was younger, I mistook romantic love as true love itself, which is not the case at all. Even when we feel like we're at our lowest points and feel alone and forsaken, Love is always there, in different forms. In friendship, in memories, even connectio...
441 views 3 likes
by on March 7, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, Today, I learned to not lay too many expectations at the hooves of others, because you never know what they're up against. It turns out that our development team could use more helping hooves! If you could kindly send more ponies from Canterlot University who are fluent in various programming codes, it sure would help the friends who we look up to! Your Loyal Servant, ...
367 views 0 likes
by on March 6, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, Today, I learned that Mademoiselle Amore does not like cheese and wine shots. This is greatly disturbing to me, and I believe that she should be under investigation for subversive behaviour. Your loyal servant, ...
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