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The Hound

Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on April 1
by on August 6, 2023
The Frozen North wasn't always thus close, and tales of Equestrian folklore recount the days before it was so. Before Equestria itself, before the great migration Southwards, it used to be that the lands of the North housed great pony tribes and kingdoms. Their stories haven't been forgotten by the passage of time, but greatly exagerated and simplified in many aspects, now but a tale to tell one's foals around the warmth of a fireplace. Few who were around back then yet live, as is natural for e...
186 views 1 like
by on September 18, 2022
The two sat side by side, watching the rain fall just outside the window. It was peaceful then, something about the silence within this old wooden house kept her at ease, or it was simply his presence. A lot has changed since they first met, but this calm and nearly depressed aura that came from the Velgran has remained the same. That and his hatred towards her. She knew that he hated her with every fiber of his being, and she loved him for it, for she too felt the same about herself. As her ...
373 views 2 likes