It is time.
Gray woke up that morning with a single conviction: The guest room. Despite the size of his house, the actor’s massive mansion had but two bedrooms, the one that Gray used and the spare. Truth be told, he had only been to the spare room once since acquiring the property. After which he decided to lock it under suspicion that there might be an angry poltergeist of a washed-out celebrity that committed suicide there decades ago, and who was now a permanent resident. A character so s...
It’s hard to talk about the relationship between my father and I. Mostly because I never felt like there was one to begin with. I have conflicting memories of him, sometimes he was there but most of the time he was a background figure who happened to inhabit the same home as us. I remember him pacing around the house and sitting at his big majestic leather chair at the study, always scheming. The garage was filled with his old guitars and drum sets which he liked to polish and play from time to ...
“Still…. It just doesn’t make sense.”
“…What doesn’t make sense?” I ask incredulous.
“The… you know… that whole acting thing…”
“That whole acting thing?” I respond with a bit of a scoff. Truth be told she caught me off guard. It was at this point that I had stopped looking at the stars in the sky and I turned to look at her, Heather. My best friend since… well… since grade school.
“Okay, okay! Everybody off stage! That was just… That’s just terrible. I can’t. Roll back, we need to redo the entire shot.”
After that initial statement there was a collective sigh coming from the entire cast, not only had they been here all day and it was way past 8, this particular scene had already been shot 15 times. Visual Cue is a very talented although extremely picky director and he’s in charge. With no other remedy, every extra, every actor, every camera man jumped off stage to make...