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Lightning Stanza

"Stay out of my way."

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. 31 years old
by on December 15, 2023
" The same set of words to end each interview, all with the applicant walking out of the door sniffling and crying like some baby. Enter the next pony in line, wait five minutes, hear the same quote, rinse and repeat. It seemed like the standards to this company were quite high. I mean, it trying to pave the way for Equestria after all. Can you imagine the possibilities that electricity can bring? Pegasi and Earth Ponies can finally use a form of current without the help of unicorns, and unicor...
243 views 1 like
by on December 10, 2023
The cold chilly night would graze on Lightning's fur, her coat blowing along with the wind direction as it was rather windy and dark. She was even shivering some with how dastardly the current conditions are, but she was on a mission, and she was going to see it through. "If this bastard screwed me out on good Intel, then I'm going to kill him." She muttered to herself as she kept her stride, working to a particular alley way. This one was wedged between two unassuming houses, but both of tho...
258 views 2 likes