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Lightning Stanza
by on December 15, 2023
"If you don't want to stand for the future, then you can GET THE HELL OUT!"
The same set of words to end each interview, all with the applicant walking out of the door sniffling and crying like some baby. Enter the next pony in line, wait five minutes, hear the same quote, rinse and repeat. It seemed like the standards to this company were quite high. I mean, it is trying to pave the way for Equestria after all. Can you imagine the possibilities that electricity can bring? Pegasi and Earth Ponies can finally use a form of current without the help of unicorns, and unicorns can finally take a break from having to monitor and consult and intervene. We can truly live in a society where ponies don't have to work as hard. Sure, we still will, just not as much.
It all sounded so hopeful and so foreward thinking in my head. We could be united with this one type of power. Ponykind will finally be advancing. And I choose to see it through, or my name isn't-
"ROSEMARY GRACE! You're up!"
That call came from the open door, eager to take its next victim. Well, I guess I was it. 
I remember when i walked into that room. Very...dark, very gray. No natural lighting, just a weird contraption that illuminated the ceiling above us. Funny to ponder what the hell a ceiling light was, but hey, when you're clueless, you truly are clueless.
"Ahh, yes, well now...we have, a... 'Rosemary...Grace', is it? What kind of pansy name is that? Why the hell should I even give you the pleasure of being interviewed?"
"B-because sir, I have as much passion as anyone else to see the modernity of Equestria. I-it could give little ol' unicorns like myself a break or two from all the casting and whatnot!" I was nervous, very nervous. I couldn't really gather my thoughts so well, but still kept my head up as I wanted I was what it took to help shape the future.
"Hmm, hmm, yes I see. And you are a...a scientist, huh? a scientist in what, if I may ask?"
"well, I am a scientist in all things power. Currents, voltages, amps, that kind of thing. I know it's been easy to measure within the merits of unicorn magic, but I would like to imagine electricity would be the same thing!"
With such being said, I could see the massive stallion slowly swivel his chair to look at me. His crimson red eyes glaring down at me. In a room so well-lit, this entity could never seem any more mysterious. But then, as I see the big, tough stallion meet his eyes with mine, his eyes seemed to have some...twinkle. Like, I was his prized possession. Or the biggest embarrassment to walk into his office. Whatever the case, I could feel my heart race with each passing second. It felt like hours in that moment alone...
But then, the eyes softened, as he leaned back into his chair before he spoke once more:
"You start tomorrow."
"W-what? Tomorrow? Sir, I need to do some preparations, and try to find a replac-"
"TOMORROW. If you're not back by 7 am you can consider this opportunity gone. Don't be late, and don't disappoint me."
My heart was still racing, but not by excitement. I can finally help make a difference in the world, and it all starts with this job offer!
"Yes sir! I will not let you down!" as I stood back up with such glee, and walked out the door in pride, as the other applicants looked at me in shock. I didn't get the phrase.
That was the highest point of my life.
Post in: Lore
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