Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hello all, this is Jarrod, the admin of Lightning Stanza and for Canterlot Avenue. Lightning Stanza is a work in progress, and her story is still developing, but she is a darker side of my roleplay habits. Please proceed with caution.
Roleplay Universe
Alternate Universe
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Lightning Stanza was sitting out on the street, her seemingly covered with cobwebs and dust as she vigorously attempts to brush them off her. She seems to be struggling.
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The knight was simply in the area passing through, on about his own business when he had seen a familiar face he hadn’t spotted in some time. Approaching her he wore a concealed look of amusement beneath his helmet, although one might be able to detect it through his tone.
“What the hell have you ... View More
May 11, 2024

Sprout looked at Lightning. "...how did this happen? How does this happen to a pony??" She started brushing the cobwebs and dust off of her.
May 11, 2024
Lightning was leaning on a wall, her puffing out of her cigarette. She would be looking off into the snowing lands of Ponyville, her in a back alley as she wanted to find solace within herself.
She b... View More
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She was just walking past with groceries, but hearing a somewhat familiar voice speaking such stupid- in hee eyes- words got a raised eyebrow. Her groceries get put down on the side of the road with a note claiming ownership, before she visually teleports onto one of the alley's rooves. "Am I hearin... View More
February 27, 2024
Lightning was sharpening a dagger she, uhh, found, and was sharpening it in the middle of the streets.
"Hmm," she mused to herself "maybe I could imbed weapons with my electricity...." #rp
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"there's only one way to find out..."
With that, she had the electricity channel to the edge of her free hoof, before she brought up the hoof to the dagger, touching the blade in particular. As she did, she could feel her electricity draining, whilst the blade began to spark and cackle. This proces... View More
January 26, 2024
The knight fell into his usual silence as he watched on with curiosity and fascination. Imbuing weaponry with magic was always something that interested him simply because of the total and utter lack of magic in his body. He saw it as a way to gain an edge to bridge the gap between a simple earth po... View More
January 28, 2024
"using weapons is redundant anyways. I literally have the power to channel electricity. That would cause more damage than any blunt or piercing object could ever do."
January 26, 2024
After one too many beers at the pub, Lightning laid on the ground in the middle of Ponyville near night time, looking up into the night sky.
"Does Celestia and Luna make the stars beyond our own? Who... View More
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"I wonder...is our sun the only star that needs to be moved with magic? I've read that a lot of planets rotate, and that's how days and nights happen...does our planet rotate?" She paused. "If it doesn't, is that why we need pegasi to control the weather?! Wait, what if there's a secret group of... View More
January 23, 2024
"an invasion of what?" She asks as she tilted her head. She seemed a lot more laid back and loose because, well, she is tipsy and whatnot.
January 24, 2024
Lightning was planting down metal rods near her hotel, seemingly trying to incite lightning strikes to this area. However, she also has them attached to wires which lead to a battery she can put on li... View More
Lightning was using her hoof to etch out burn marks on a piece of wood. She was working on making a lightning symbol.
It...looked nothing like one, but at least she was passing the time in a more hea... View More
Lightning was puffing a cigarette, sitting on a bench in a park. She was shivering a bit as it was colder then normal, and her coat was not enough, but she was slowly warming up.
She would watch the ... View More
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The mare looked over to Ramirez with a seemingly muted expression, but would then hold her hoof up, before it had a small flame light over it.
"Here. Light it quick, this doesn't tickle, you know."
January 10, 2024
The mare then averted her gaze down to the scotch inside of a flask, and without asking, she snatched it up. She then took a couple swigs before offering the flask back.
January 11, 2024
The mare glares at Soundwave as he passed by. She didn't say much of anything, as the glare says more than enough.
January 11, 2024
Lightning is punching into a tree, her making heavy hoof marks into it. It seemed like each punch she did felt more personal than the last!
But then, after a brief while, she would back up and pants,... View More
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The wandering warrior was merely in the area, simply passing through on his next course of travel when a near distant ‘thump’ caught his attention. He gravitated towards it until he stumbled upon the one responsible, and simply stood and watched. He was one who believed in hard work and relentless t... View More
The mare would hear his words as she was slowing her breathing, it being a touchy subject obviously. lightning feels like her life was taken away, like a rug being pulled out from under her. The struggle she lives, the ponies she lost...it makes her stutter in her breathing with each thought of it, ... View More
January 7, 2024
The drifter focused on the scorched marks upon the tree, revelling in the brilliant and bright display of power she had demonstrated. He’d turn his head and look over his shoulder as she began to speak, her own gaze focusing down towards the ground and away from him. He’d pull his hoof back and lowe... View More
January 7, 2024
The mare nodded as she would bring her own hoof into his and give it a rather firm shake, one seemingly uncharacteristic for the typical mare.
"Yes, Indeed we will cross paths again. Maybe by then I will have finished my goal, or I will be dead. Either way, there will be no in between."
With that,... View More
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