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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus exploded out of the ground and bowed* I hope that enjoy the times that you will spend here!
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Violet Lilly
Violet blinks but nods" um ok " her shy self was showing
Like July 18, 2019
Nitroxus Soulspins
Sorry if I scared you.
Like July 18, 2019
Violet Lilly
Violet looks at him " oh no it's fine " violet smiles at him " I'm violet Lilly "
Like July 18, 2019
Nitroxus Soulspins
I'm Nitroxus and that is a nice name you have there.
Like July 18, 2019
Violet Lilly
Violet blushes at the complement " oh um thank you "
Like July 18, 2019
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome, so how are you?
Like July 18, 2019