10 members
Welcome everyone!
This is a group based off of the original one started in Ponysquare by the user AI and Cyborg. In this group, your pony can become the bearer of an element of your choice.
1. No duplication of elements. Feel free to message me with any questions you have.
2. Be active! I hope to have a lot of fun with this group.
3. If you have an idea for a big event, please message me before you start it to make sure it's ok to start.
4.Have fun, be respectful. Keep fighting to a minimum and threatening/bullying will not be tolerated at all.
Mods and Co-Founder positions are open! If interested, please send me a message.
Elements Taken:
- Element of Courage, Midnight Star
- Element of Curiosity, Scarlet Gleam
- Element of Gratitude, Honey Glow
- Element of Protection, Moonlight Shadow
- Element of Bravery, Prince Ashland Lightfoot
- Element of Change, Smoke