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Group Info
From coast to coast, ponies from all over equestria come to see the cool booths stories and crafts others have made! If you have skills or talent, this is the perfect t... More
Snow Storm
Canterlot Avenue Carnival has wrapped up! Come vote now for your favourite booth:
Only a few more days to win the coveted Blue Ribbon Badge! Make sure you use the #CanterlotCarnival Hashtag to be eligible for the badge!
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Bright Brave
😭 # canterlot carn-evil
Like August 28, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
Uh uh uh I have no mouth but I must #CanterlotCarnical
Like August 28, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Like August 31, 2024
#CanterlotCarnival All right?
Like August 31, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout slid over five bits. "One pear cookie, please."
Like August 29, 2024
Sure *Giggles & blushes*. Here you go *Hands over the pear cookie*
Like August 30, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Thanks." She took a bite of the pear cookie. "Tastes good!"
Like August 30, 2024
Cotton didn't have bits, So she just had to silent sneck a coookie.
Like August 29, 2024
Thief! *Giggles* The cookies you took are for taste testing, so it's alright. *Boops you*
Like August 30, 2024
Suddenly Syn would find their hoof they were gonna use to boop being held tightly by the Creature. " Don't." She warned them before letting go of them.
Like August 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
1 Plant Pack, 2 Family Pack, and 2 Chocolate Bits on the side.
Like August 29, 2024
Oh my gosh! *Blushes & Giggles* *Gets the order ready in a big bag* Here you go *giggles & blushes*
Like August 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Always a pleasure. May I buy you something too?
Like August 30, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
What is your price for royalty?
Like August 30, 2024
Twice the price *Giggles*
Like August 30, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Well then I cannot buy from here apologies. This is a fair grounds not a five star restaurant.
Like August 30, 2024 Edited
Bright Brave
#canterlotcarnival Bright sat behind his booth cooling himself with a hoof fan. Wow what a month. Creatures and ponies coming and going. Everfree Convention kicking off. Crazy mane. "Super cold lem... View More
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Tality came up, examined the rifle for a moment. "Hm. Looks like the Kirin knockoff. I'll take four cookies."
Like August 4, 2024 Edited
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Bright Brave
My comment was half sarcastic. X3
Like August 6, 2024
But it's an interesting thread to tug on! At least to me it is. I did a lot of roleplaying with AI to psych myself up for roleplaying with real people. It really punished me for not providing enough clarity for it to pick up what I was putting down, and that's paid off A TON, as I've been able to ju... View More
Like August 6, 2024 Edited
Bright Brave
Aye. There's the rub.
Like August 6, 2024
Me want lemonade
Like August 4, 2024
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Chefs kiss perfect
Like August 5, 2024
Bright Brave
A kiss. And a peck. And hug around the neck.
Like August 5, 2024
Like August 5, 2024
Bright Brave
Care for some lemonade ?
Like August 13, 2024
Bright Brave
Sprout, why did you get kicked out of your hive again? "It's all becasue nobody understood the difference between lemons, and lemon juice." Well we might have to kick you out of town if we don't understand the difference between lemons and lemon juice.
Like August 28, 2024
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Snow Storm
"Oo.. Got any of those.. terrarium type jars?"
Like August 28, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...what, exactly, is a 'magic' jar?"
Like August 28, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Like August 31, 2024
Tality stares at the price, then shrugs, and pulls out five crisp one dollar bills and hoofs them over. "So which one's mine?"
Like August 31, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout sighed, resting her head on her hoof. Nopony had come to her booth in days...she went all the way to Canterlot -- in the middle of summer, no less! -- and she'd gone over a week with no kisses... View More
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Snow Storm
"If I.. smooch again.." they nervously tap their hooves together, "do I get to go into the lottery a second time?"
Like August 16, 2024
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Snow Storm
Snow chuckled, "Hehe, okay. Another cheek kiss?" they offered.
Like August 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout nodded again. "Go ahead," she said, turning her head.
Like August 18, 2024
Snow Storm
Snow Storm lent in and smooched quickly! "Hah, okay. Bye now," before they skedaddled.
Like August 20, 2024
Bright Brave
"If you want kisses, all you have to do is ask. I never get kisses."
Like August 17, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"Is a kiss from a hot mare not enough for you?!"
Like August 18, 2024
Bright Brave
"You're kind of hot. But yes, a kiss from you fills a hole in my heart." 💚
Like August 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout relaxed, giggling. "Oh, you..."
Like August 18, 2024
Dragonfly was just passing through Canterlot, she didn't realize there was a festival on! Looking up to the sign, and back to the mare, her outer wing set flitters slightly. "He-hello! A... Lo-ter-ry? Lottery? That means random chance to win a prize right? I just have to kiss you, and I might get so... View More
Like August 17, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout tensed up at Dragonfly's accurate guess, then relaxed slightly once she moved on. "...I don't think you're a freak. Honestly, I think your differences make you beautiful. Cliche, I know, but it's true!" She chuckled nervously. "And yeah, we have emeralds here. Mostly, though, they're ei... View More
Like August 18, 2024
Dragonfly can't help but smile and blush faintly, "I've never heard of that cliche... Is that an Equestrian thing?" She runs a hoof through her mane as her wings go back to her sides, "It's good to know you have emeralds, though. One of the best gems! Below opal or onyx, but, you know, how could you... View More
Like August 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout waved back, smiling wide. Once Dragonfly was out of sight, she collapsed. "Hoooooooly shit she was so hot"
Like August 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
It was time for the next raffle! It proceeded much the same as the last. Cotton Tail: A virtual pet toy from the decade before Nightmare Moon was freed (batteries not included) Papyrus: A cassette of Spinneret's greatest hits (aka her two singles)... View More
Like August 26, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
As expected, the lights went out, and when they came back on, the attendees felt just a little more tired.
Like August 26, 2024
Bright Brave
There was definitely no love or affection, to be fed off from the ice cold stallion.
Like August 26, 2024
Cotton was used to the feeling so she didn't feel as tired, before staring at the strange... object in front of her, Trying to turn it on via biting it.
Like August 27, 2024
Papyrus would approach randomly to the kissing booth if its still open and would wonder how much bits it would cost to pay for a kiss and would look at the beautiful sprout as he levitates a flower to... View More
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"What are the rules of this kissing booth cause isnt it choice if the person wants kissed on lips or cheek right?
Like August 22, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"It's your choice, yeah. It's really not that complicated..."
Like August 22, 2024
"well i think a Cheek kiss is fine gotta make you or myself comfortable you know nyeh hehe"
Like August 22, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Alright, yours or mine?"
Like August 22, 2024
"Well you get a choice as well i would happily hear what you want For i is happy about others choices as well"
Like August 22, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...." Without warning, Sprout grabbed Papyrus and pulled his cheek to her lips.
Like August 22, 2024
He would in surprise get grabbed and lifted up a bit and looks at the pony kissing his cheek and would giggle and kiss her cheek back*
Like August 22, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
After the kisses were done, she slid over a raffle ticket to him. "Come back tonight for the raffle!"
Like August 22, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
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Snow Storm
Snow Storm was wondering by and noticed the staff sitting out, doing their duty. She brought with her a second icecream, purchased from another store. "Hiya! Hot day, eh? I brought icecream if somepony wants to take it!" they beamed.
Like August 22, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
"Thankfully, the coordinators aren't completely heartless." Asuka jokes, while motioning over to a squeaky, standing fan in the corner of the tent. "I also get breaks, and a card for free food and drinks from some of the stalls, so it's not all bad. Just wish the stall in front of the tent would pla... View More
Like August 22, 2024
Snow Storm
"Oh, haha," they chuckle, turning to the tent in front and grimacing at the idea of repetitive whistle toots. "Ugh, yeah. That's enough to make you loopy. I know," their wings shivered with a plan, "I'll go offer them this ice cream in exchange for them to change up the music!"
Like August 22, 2024 Edited
Asuka Yakushi
"I appreciate it." Asuka replies, accompanied by a nod. "Feel free to grab a dum dum or two on your way out. They're supposed to be for children, but it's been pretty uneventful here, so I doubt I'll go through them all."
Like August 23, 2024
Suddenly a Appearence of a Clawed hand appeared, and had instantly taken a lolipop, What the appendage was connected to would be a Strange Creature, one that mostly Resembled a Dragon but part of it also looked akin to a Rabbit, just with a Mysterious swirl in their ears. "Sup." The stranger told t... View More
Like August 22, 2024
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"My Ailment is... You're too boring, And Suggest that you might take a break." She told them, Before taking a bottle out of her nearby bag, It looked like it was a bottle full of Who knows Alcoholic Beverage was in it. In reality it was just a Cheapest soda in it cause There was a No Alcohol rule he... View More
Like August 23, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka blinks a few times before eventually responding. "Did you really just come in here to call me boring?" She heaves a frustrated sigh before waving them off with her hand. "If you're not here to be seen, could you go somewhere else? This isn't a place to hang out. There's a whole carnival for th... View More
Like August 23, 2024
"True, But I rather hang out with new folk, It helps with my Social Anxiety...Also I didn't just come over here cause I hoped to meet somepony new." She would've suddenly pointed at her VERY much broken and mangled looking wing, It almost looked like she had recently been in a fight or 3 !
Like August 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would pull himself to the booth. His body was slightly burned, mainly second degree burns and melted hairs. He had a few cuts on his sides. He would cough some smoke out, before speaking.* So, I opened one of my portable hot air balloons, and it exploded in my face...
Like August 22, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
I mean its only 2nd Degree Burns right? I quite surprised that I'm still able to walk and function. Still in pain, yet not in nerve wrecking pain. Still, I could be in an adrenaline rush. So I'm not in shock. *He would stand still, waiting her for to work.*
Like August 23, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka gently guides Nitroxus onto the chair in the middle of the tent before she begins using her towel to clean the blood from his cuts. She then begins to dab some of the antiseptic onto the cuts with the towel. The is followed by her lathering burn gel onto the burns, then wrapping the cuts, and ... View More
Like August 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
I don't want to go against a doctor's orders, yet I'm not at death's door. Then again, probably for the best. I can't exactly dig my way to the doctor like this.
Like August 23, 2024
Bright Brave
BriBra slumped onto a medical cot, obviously suffering from too much, ice cream, Latin food, kisses, and scare house experiences. Not to mention the sharp tongue of one shaped large pretty mare. "Medic!" He groaned out lowdly.
Like August 23, 2024 Edited
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka gives her newest patient a look over, then raises an eyebrow. "Are you just looking for a place to find a nap?"
Like August 23, 2024
Bright Brave
"Plz. Dilaudid. The pain...." The big war horse dramatically threw his hoof over his face, moaning.
Like August 23, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"Could I get a lime raspado, please? Extra-sour, if possible?"
Like August 22, 2024
"One lime raspado, coming right up! Did you want some ice cream on the top?"
Like August 22, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout shook her head. "No thanks."
Like August 22, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
I will take your entire stock! As a set of cones, with 5 scoops on each.
Like August 22, 2024
Snow Storm
"I'd like a Chocolate and Mocha scoop, please!" they chime, "Oh, in a waffle cone~"
Like August 22, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Like August 24, 2024
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Bright Brave
"You're red headed, you're weird, but are you tall, like tall tall?" The big war horse hadn't met a mare bigger than him yet, except the High Princess, Celestia herself.
Like August 17, 2024
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Bright Brave
"I just wanted to know how tall you are, because I myself love Conan. But I'd rate myself an 8. I need to work out more. But I'm a trophy stallion, any mare who can meet my standards will receive the greatest husband in the universe."
Like August 21, 2024
She refuses to stand up from her seat for a first-hand look at evidence, instead choosing for further retort "Below Celestia, about the same as Fancypant's wifey. 8, but the greatest partner in the universe? I'd rate you a 6, simply from your self-contradiction and seemingly beyond-cosmic standard f... View More
Like August 22, 2024
Bright Brave
"You are a silly and cruel mare. And I hope you find true love." Bright lashed out at the pretty, intelligent, sophisticated Vanil. Hurt ponies, hurt ponies.
Like August 22, 2024 Edited
//Actually might join in. "Ok Heres a Topic, Princess sunbutt being a queen yet... SHE BARELY DOES ANYTHING!. Or if that's too spicy...Is a Bamboodog a Haywich ?"
Like August 17, 2024
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//Forgot bout this. :C "But then is once of those Quesadilla thingys a Sandwich then ?"
Like August 25, 2024
"If it is 'sandwiched' between two separate pieces of tortilla, yes. If it is a single piece, folded onto the filling, no it is not"
Like August 29, 2024
"Who uses one Tortilla!?"
Like August 29, 2024
Tality gives this some honest thought. A topic to debate. Hm. She slaps a solid gold ingot on the table, two kilograms. Holy. "Keep the change. You'll probably deserve it. A topic, huh?" She thinks to herself. "Well, sometimes I want to take over Equestria and rule it with an iron hoof, make everyp... View More
Like August 18, 2024
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((Oh my god, it was just a metaphor! But it's hard to tell with this mare, yeah? Wait, actually, hold on, I think I was cool with it no matter which way you took it. Yeah, yeah, now that I think about it, I did notice the ambiguity and just decided to see how you ran with it! Yeah, I look for that s... View More
Like August 31, 2024 Edited
//I'm gonna keep it real with you. That post is a little overwhelming, if not confusing. Vanil slumped into her seat, bottle of whiskey on hoof, ready to uncork and end the day as if it were a dream. She was as lost as a guest in an Eric Andre 'interview', and she was supposed to be the host! As mo... View More
Like August 29, 2024
((Haha! Yeah, that's kinda the point actually. *irl cringe and grimace* But yeah, I probably crossed a few lines there that I shouldn't have. Tality is insane, however, and she doesn't think anyone can actually help her, so she doesn't put in the effort to make herself comprehensible. She just dunks... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Oh, so we gonna play Ace Attorney eh? Well, you start.”
Like August 24, 2024
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"Phones. Many have more than a single phone for other purposes. The same can't be said for televisions"
Like August 29, 2024
Bright Brave
I've got like 4 tvs, I personally own. I own one, $100 pony phone.
Like August 29, 2024
Bright is magically pushed aside and away from the probably working camera "Away with you. Your turn is over, Cosmic Standard McGee!"
Like August 29, 2024
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