Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*Aurora would be sitting in a booth with a sign that says "Life's Lemonade and Sweets " on it. This would be the goddess's first time in a while interacting with ponies that didn't involve taking them... View More
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"Hey," Tality said, coming up to the stand. "Haven't seen you around before, and I remember every alicorn I meet." She pauses, suddenly, frowning, studying the queen, "Have I ... seen you somewhere before?"
August 6, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Ah that's okay dear. Just be mindful of the others while you're here ok?
August 8, 2024

"Haha ... " Tality sweat bullets as her master plan to help Aurora bake more goods in a hurry to get to spend more time with her blew up in her face. She had really meant it as a joke, but she really hadn't planned it out in advance enough to realize it was never going to work. Probably because Auro... View More
August 8, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
August 10, 2024

Mystral Callous
“Royal sweets from an Alicorn? Please miss, show me what you have.” Their eyes widened at the sign and immediately trotted to the stall, nudging a pony or two to the side.
August 6, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Easy now dear, be patient.
August 6, 2024

Mystral Callous
"Ah.. My sincerest apologies. This seems like a once-in-a-lifetime chance to taste exclusive delicacies like these. I've never tasted products from an alicorn of all culinarians." The unicorn seemed to have a strange fondness for sweets. Mystral grabbed a notebook, a quill and their coinpurse. "What... View More
August 7, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Well it really depends on what you prefer as I have cakes of all kinds same for pies and so on,all made by myself at my castle. I also have lemonade and pink lemonade if you're thirsty.
August 7, 2024

Nitroxas Soulspins
Lemonade? What flavors do you have? *He was hoping she had a green colored one, of any flavor.*
August 6, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Actually you can, it could go down the windpipe if you drink it too quickly.
August 10, 2024

Nitroxas Soulspins
Wait what? *Nitroxus would blink in shock. In all of his life, he never choked from drinking. Which is both impressive, and also very concerning.*
August 10, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Now then would you like anything else?
August 11, 2024

Snow Storm
Your booth has been given the Blue Ribbon badge! Congratulations!

September 30, 2024

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Ah how wonderful!
September 30, 2024
Canterlot Avenue Carnival has wrapped up! Come vote now for your favourite booth: http://canterlotavenue.com/poll/857/whose-booth-was-the-best/
Whose Booth was the Best? Polls
Snow Storm's poll from September 9, 2024: Whose Booth was the Best?. Share your polls with friends, family, and the world on Phpfox.c
Be the first person to like this.
Only a few more days to win the coveted Blue Ribbon Badge!
Make sure you use the #CanterlotCarnival Hashtag to be eligible for the badge!
6 people like this.
Enjoy the super delicious cookie creations, baked by the wonderful Kookyshy herself.
Freshly baked midst the Everfree Forest, where she lives and uses only the freshest and most magical ingredients, making sure you keep wanting more.
Choose out of the many available cookie flavours and pay only 5 bits for one cookie!
Chocolate bits
1x Cookie = 5 Bits
3x Cookies = 12 Bits
3x Chocolate Cookies
3x Smartie Cookies
= 24 Bits
3x Apple Cookies
3x Pear Cookies
= 24 Bits
2 Bits
*Must provide proof of being enrolled at the School of Friendship or other Equestrian educational institutions.
4 people like this.
Cotton didn't have bits, So she just had to silent sneck a coookie.
Thief! *Giggles*
The cookies you took are for taste testing, so it's alright. *Boops you*
August 30, 2024
Suddenly Syn would find their hoof they were gonna use to boop being held tightly by the Creature. " Don't." She warned them before letting go of them.
1 Plant Pack, 2 Family Pack, and 2 Chocolate Bits on the side.
Oh my gosh! *Blushes & Giggles*
*Gets the order ready in a big bag* Here you go *giggles & blushes*
August 30, 2024
Well then I cannot buy from here apologies. This is a fair grounds not a five star restaurant.
Bright sat behind his booth cooling himself with a hoof fan. Wow what a month. Creatures and ponies coming and going. Everfree Convention kicking off. Crazy mane.
"Super cold lem... View More
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“I’ll take an AK47. Honestly should have done this at my booth.”
But it's an interesting thread to tug on! At least to me it is. I did a lot of roleplaying with AI to psych myself up for roleplaying with real people. It really punished me for not providing enough clarity for it to pick up what I was putting down, and that's paid off A TON, as I've been able to ju... View More
Sprout, why did you get kicked out of your hive again?
"It's all becasue nobody understood the difference between lemons, and lemon juice."
Well we might have to kick you out of town if we don't understand the difference between lemons and lemon juice.
August 28, 2024
August 28, 2024
You see a stall called Magic Jar, and there is a pony staring at the bugs on the table. It seems that no one has been here for a long time? You don't see any other price list except "Get your magic jar! Only $5" written on the stall below. Of course, you can also see some jars with strange things you have never seen on the shelves.
How to play: draw RP [I use drawings to replace my RP, of course you can do this too]
Sprout sighed, resting her head on her hoof. Nopony had come to her booth in days...she went all the way to Canterlot -- in the middle of summer, no less! -- and she'd gone over a week with no kisses... View More
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"If I.. smooch again.." they nervously tap their hooves together, "do I get to go into the lottery a second time?"
Snow Storm lent in and smooched quickly! "Hah, okay. Bye now," before they skedaddled.
"If you want kisses, all you have to do is ask. I never get kisses."
August 17, 2024
Dragonfly was just passing through Canterlot, she didn't realize there was a festival on! Looking up to the sign, and back to the mare, her outer wing set flitters slightly. "He-hello! A... Lo-ter-ry? Lottery? That means random chance to win a prize right? I just have to kiss you, and I might get so... View More
Sprout tensed up at Dragonfly's accurate guess, then relaxed slightly once she moved on. "...I don't think you're a freak. Honestly, I think your differences make you beautiful. Cliche, I know, but it's true!" She chuckled nervously. "And yeah, we have emeralds here. Mostly, though, they're ei... View More
August 18, 2024
Dragonfly can't help but smile and blush faintly, "I've never heard of that cliche... Is that an Equestrian thing?"
She runs a hoof through her mane as her wings go back to her sides, "It's good to know you have emeralds, though. One of the best gems! Below opal or onyx, but, you know, how could you... View More
August 18, 2024
Sprout waved back, smiling wide. Once Dragonfly was out of sight, she collapsed. "Hoooooooly shit she was so hot"
It was time for the next raffle! It proceeded much the same as the last.
Cotton Tail: A virtual pet toy from the decade before Nightmare Moon was freed (batteries not included)
Papyrus: A cassette of Spinneret's greatest hits (aka her two singles)... View More
As expected, the lights went out, and when they came back on, the attendees felt just a little more tired.
August 26, 2024
There was definitely no love or affection, to be fed off from the ice cold stallion.
August 26, 2024
Cotton was used to the feeling so she didn't feel as tired, before staring at the strange... object in front of her, Trying to turn it on via biting it.
August 27, 2024
Papyrus would approach randomly to the kissing booth if its still open and would wonder how much bits it would cost to pay for a kiss and would look at the beautiful sprout as he levitates a flower to... View More
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"What are the rules of this kissing booth cause isnt it choice if the person wants kissed on lips or cheek right?
August 22, 2024
"well i think a Cheek kiss is fine gotta make you or myself comfortable you know nyeh hehe"
August 22, 2024
"Well you get a choice as well i would happily hear what you want For i is happy about others choices as well"
August 22, 2024
"...." Without warning, Sprout grabbed Papyrus and pulled his cheek to her lips.
August 22, 2024
August 22, 2024
//Late to this, but I wanted to try to get in on it before it closes.
Ah, the Carnival. A place of whimsy, fun, and possibly, tons of rides that barely meet safety standards. Of course, when you run a carnival, you need every bit of plausible deniability if an incident occurs. Not that it would here, right? Still, one must take every precaution when dealing with such large groups of people.
Near the entrance to the carnival, a white tent has been set up, featuring a sign out front which reads "" in bright, blue lettering. Behind the tent sits a parked ambulance. It's back doors appear to fit neatly into a flap in the back of the tent to allow for quick access. Inside, a lone paramedic sits next to a chair straight out of a doctor's office. She clearly would rather be outside, enjoying the carnival, but as the only medical staff hired by the venue, she'll be stuck in here the whole carnival. At the very least, she has a bowl of small lolipops beside the tent's exit that she can snack on. When she's not giving them to patients that is.
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Snow Storm was wondering by and noticed the staff sitting out, doing their duty. She brought with her a second icecream, purchased from another store.
"Hiya! Hot day, eh? I brought icecream if somepony wants to take it!" they beamed.
August 22, 2024
"Thankfully, the coordinators aren't completely heartless." Asuka jokes, while motioning over to a squeaky, standing fan in the corner of the tent. "I also get breaks, and a card for free food and drinks from some of the stalls, so it's not all bad. Just wish the stall in front of the tent would pla... View More
"Oh, haha," they chuckle, turning to the tent in front and grimacing at the idea of repetitive whistle toots.
"Ugh, yeah. That's enough to make you loopy. I know," their wings shivered with a plan, "I'll go offer them this ice cream in exchange for them to change up the music!"
"I appreciate it." Asuka replies, accompanied by a nod. "Feel free to grab a dum dum or two on your way out. They're supposed to be for children, but it's been pretty uneventful here, so I doubt I'll go through them all."
Suddenly a Appearence of a Clawed hand appeared, and had instantly taken a lolipop, What the appendage was connected to would be a Strange Creature, one that mostly Resembled a Dragon but part of it also looked akin to a Rabbit, just with a Mysterious swirl in their ears.
"Sup." The stranger told t... View More
August 22, 2024
"My Ailment is... You're too boring, And Suggest that you might take a break." She told them, Before taking a bottle out of her nearby bag, It looked like it was a bottle full of Who knows Alcoholic Beverage was in it. In reality it was just a Cheapest soda in it cause There was a No Alcohol rule he... View More
August 23, 2024
Asuka blinks a few times before eventually responding. "Did you really just come in here to call me boring?" She heaves a frustrated sigh before waving them off with her hand. "If you're not here to be seen, could you go somewhere else? This isn't a place to hang out. There's a whole carnival for th... View More
August 23, 2024
"True, But I rather hang out with new folk, It helps with my Social Anxiety...Also I didn't just come over here cause I hoped to meet somepony new." She would've suddenly pointed at her VERY much broken and mangled looking wing, It almost looked like she had recently been in a fight or 3 !
August 23, 2024
*Nitroxus would pull himself to the booth. His body was slightly burned, mainly second degree burns and melted hairs. He had a few cuts on his sides. He would cough some smoke out, before speaking.* So, I opened one of my portable hot air balloons, and it exploded in my face...
August 22, 2024
I mean its only 2nd Degree Burns right? I quite surprised that I'm still able to walk and function. Still in pain, yet not in nerve wrecking pain. Still, I could be in an adrenaline rush. So I'm not in shock. *He would stand still, waiting her for to work.*
August 23, 2024
Asuka gently guides Nitroxus onto the chair in the middle of the tent before she begins using her towel to clean the blood from his cuts. She then begins to dab some of the antiseptic onto the cuts with the towel. The is followed by her lathering burn gel onto the burns, then wrapping the cuts, and ... View More
August 23, 2024
I don't want to go against a doctor's orders, yet I'm not at death's door. Then again, probably for the best. I can't exactly dig my way to the doctor like this.
August 23, 2024
BriBra slumped onto a medical cot, obviously suffering from too much, ice cream, Latin food, kisses, and scare house experiences. Not to mention the sharp tongue of one Vanil shaped large pretty mare.
"Medic!" He groaned out lowdly.
Asuka gives her newest patient a look over, then raises an eyebrow. "Are you just looking for a place to find a nap?"
"Plz. Dilaudid. The pain...." The big war horse dramatically threw his hoof over his face, moaning.
August 23, 2024
Straight from the sunny beaches of the west coast of Equestria, it's Nieve's world famous ice cream right here at the #CanterlotCarnival!
Scoops: 2 bits each
Sundaes: 5 bits
Raspados: 4 bits
Cup/normal cone: No additional charge
Waffle cone: +2 bits
4 people like this.
I will take your entire stock! As a set of cones, with 5 scoops on each.
"I'd like a Chocolate and Mocha scoop, please!" they chime, "Oh, in a waffle cone~"