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Nitroxus Soulspins Neon Flare ('Lare)
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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((Happy New Year!))
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*Nitroxus spun like a top toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
*Nitroxus swung over on a rope over to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Thunder nonchalantly slides a cupcake with a lit candle in the top over to 'Lare.
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The Best of Birthdays to you.
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Happy Birthday!
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"Spitfire gave me a B because I hit that last checkpoint just a FEW seconds late? Oh my gosh- I can't freaking believe this!"
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"Thats a good grade though, you should be happy with your grade. The Lunar air flight academy has the same issue sometimes."
The stallion hugged her. "You will learn from this right? You will reach the A soon, just keep doing your best."
February 27, 2019
'Lare reluctantly nodded her head before returning the hug from the stallion in a weak attempt. "Thanks, Aviators."
"You will, look how far you have come, you have gotten the dream job of your life, even small foals want your autographs, i have seen them with posters of you." he smiled and was happy for her.
"Sorryyy Sharp." Neon Flare mumbled, resting her head against her forehooves as the pegasus lay there on grass, apologizing for lashing out at him.
February 27, 2019
Sharp's ears perked with an additional twitch, and then looked down at the distressed and unhappy mare, approaching closer.
Within reaching distance, which is where the tawny Pegasus stopped, Sharp said, "I'm sorry, I did not hear that hum of yours," appearing to have concern on his face, attention ... View More
"Oh my gosh! Does everypony need to know?" The mare questioned, looking away awkwardly as the two stallions stood there with her. "Becauseee I like him.." She mumbled quietly.
"That sounds like evident embarrassment to me that is linked to Thunderlane... am I wrong to say that you were focused on him," speaking calmly, surmising a possibility, but added, "I'll leave that to you in private. I don't condone embarrassing you, so if your desire to not reveal with an answer, ... View More
February 27, 2019
Thunder immediately runs off to buy 'Lare a Thunderlane body pillow.
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