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by on May 31, 2018
Negotiations Location - Ponyville Day 1 ...
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by on May 31, 2018
BoC-Verse Magic Magic levels: Lesser Magic ...
358 views 3 likes
by on April 15, 2018
Introduction The Multiverse is a time- and spaceless, 10-dimensional construct that contains several universes, which again contain worlds, realms and the lower eight dimension. While the multiverse itself has the potential to be endless and infinite, the amount of contained universes that actually exist is very low. A universe only exists if it can be located in all 10 dimensions, thus it has to be connected to the other universes. Meaning that every universe one could make up does not exist...
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by on April 15, 2018
Secret File 042142 Tuesday, 14th March, year 998 a.NMM Name: Maud Pie (Also known as Maude) ...
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by on April 15, 2018
1 - The Plan Not long after Luna's return Chrysalis began to plan an attack on Canterlot. Her idea was to capture the weakened Princess of the night and replace her, effectively ensuring a spot among royalty. She would claim to be too weak to move the moon for the time being, until she had gathered enough love from Celestia to actually move it and definitely prove that she was the real Luna. The plan failed however before she could even start because Luna had regained a lot of her power alrea...
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by on February 26, 2018
The Hive-mind Changelings have a mental connection to their Queen, often referred to as 'hive-mind'. This connection allows their Queen to forcefully drain their love, give love she has collected or pass on knowledge. She can create visions in the minds of her subject, given that they are still part of the hive-mind. Changelings still have a mind of their own, a personality, ideas, individuality. But it is overshadowed by the wishes and the feeling of their Queen, which makes them a very loyal ...
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by on December 19, 2017
We all have those days; you finally lie down in bed, get rid of your clothes, check your phone a last time and finally put it away to turn over and fall asleep... only to not fall asleep. You wait, and wait, maybe you notice that it's not the perfect position to fall asleep in so you adjust and wait again. It can happen that our bodies just don't want to enter sleep mode or we are simply not tired. So what can we do? I know a bunch of things that help me fall asleep when I need to but can't....
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by on December 12, 2017
[br] [br] Chrysalis can be a seductress, most would perceive her as rather arrogant and unlikable, though. her hunger for attention and admiration is almost as big as her hunger for love and power. She is very quick to use and abuse others for her purposes and she can play nice when she has a personal gain from it. The only people Chrysalis truly loves are her children, her changelings that are her subjects, workers, soldiers and loyal followers. Over the centuries only few have ever questi...
403 views 9 likes
by on December 12, 2017
[br][br] [br] My throne was located in the main hall of the hive. It disables the magic of every being in a radius of about 5 miles. Not too long ago it has been destroyed and thus lost its magical abilities, however if I manage to puzzle it back together the magic inhibiting properties can be restored. It has been an essential part of our defense for centuries. [br] ...
275 views 2 likes
by on December 10, 2017
Since they shape-shift they can only be killed by destroying heart and brain that can be hidden anywhere, even outside of the body. Since fire continuously damages the body of a changeling, it is impossible for them to hide heart and brain from it in most cases. ...
368 views 4 likes
by on December 10, 2017
[br] [br] few years passed and Chrysalis had laid more eggs. She now had 40 changelings, children that followed her orders and never complained. She wasn’t sure if she was a really good mother or the changelings were just behaving much easier to control than normal ponies. At times it even scared her a little. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were now private pupils of Star Swirl the Bearded and none of them remembered or cared about Chrysalis. Her changelings weren’t a threat, they kn...
282 views 0 likes
by on December 8, 2017
[br] [br] hen Chrysalis suspected that she was pregnant she quit school, immediately. Instead she locked herself inside with every book she could find on the subject to figure out what she should do about it. Before she could find a solution it was too late: several slimy, green eggs escaped her body. Disgusted and shocked she left them to die in the apartment she was living in. She wanted to leave and forget about the eggs she had laid, but whether it was instinct or empathy, she couldn’t. ...
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