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Queen Chrysalis
by on December 12, 2017
or rare items and objects

The Throne

My throne was located in the main hall of the hive. It disables the magic of every being in a radius of about 5 miles. Not too long ago it has been destroyed and thus lost its magical abilities, however if I manage to puzzle it back together the magic inhibiting properties can be restored. It has been an essential part of our defense for centuries.
Emotion Necklace

This artifact has been crafted my about five centuries ago as a gift to Princess Celestia, it is a necklace with a gem that changes its color depending on what kind of emotion you are the focus of. For example: if you wear it and a person feels love towards you it will turn pink but if a person has negative emotions like hatred, even if they hide it, the gem will turn black. It is based on the changelings' instinct to sense emotions of others.
Feeding Protection Charm
We really need a better name for this one. It is basically a little bracelet that turns off a ponies social emotions when worn. The pony who puts it on will not be able to feel any love anymore and thus can't be fed on emotionally by changelings. It has obvious downsides. The pony magicians who created it to protect themselves have murdered each other over it and the last unicorn standing has died alone and without love in his life. If you find this somewhere, don't put it on. Trust me, being fed on is less harmful.