Parents-Dad-Midnight Shadow -Mom-Sunrise ShadowSiblings-Brother(1y.o.)Ryan Shadow -Sister(5y.o.)Nightly Shadowdistant relatives-Twilight Sparkle,Shining Armor,Night Light,Twilight Velvet,Flurry Heart,Princess mi Amore CadencaNight Light is my father's half-brotherHi, I'm Rocky. I come from crystal empire and I grew up there when I started going to school, my parents told me that we would move to the canterlot where Princess Celestia accepted me to her school for gifted ... View More

Nitroxus Soulspins RockyStudios
*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated down by holding onto an umbrella and landed in front of the creature. With a smile, he bowed to them.* Hello and welcome. I do hope you enjoy your time here.
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* rocky drinks and coughs. suddenly someone knocks. a letter from Princess Twilight. rocky opens it and reads it * sorry but unfortunately I have to go * tells him Rocky and when she takes the bag she asks * would you like to come with me?
September 4, 2020
I would like to go with you, however, I will have to decline. I have to go others to welcome others.
rocky looks at her and says * well, would you like to come some other time? * and she smiles
September 4, 2020
I would love that. *He smiled and stands up.* See you around.
//If you ever want to rp, just send a starter on my wall.
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