Day Three.
"The Prosecution calls the Defendant to the stand."
Nar rises from his position at the defense table, and is escorted to the stand by the bailiff. As he sits, he is sworn in, and the prosecutor approaches the stand.
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//in order to not have a storyline about a trial take as long as an actual trial, I will be splitting the witness testimony segments into their own stories. I'll only be addressing the most important testimonies, leaving the ones with less impact on the storyline out.
Day 2, Asuka Yakushi.
After being called to the stand, Asuka is sworn in, and Litigious Exculpation approaches to begin questioning. (
7:30 AM, Canterlot Courthouse, Courtroom C, Lobby.
Asuka Yakushi and her family sit patiently outside of the courtroom as her mother quietly reminds everyone about courtroom decorum. She's been drilling proper courtroom attire, and how to act inside into everyone's heads for the past few days now. It makes sense. She is an attorney herself, after all. Though, she deals with the civil courts, not the criminal courts. Though, the principals...
Tiny hands push on Nar's arm until he begins to rouse. His eyes begin to open, and his ears pick up a voice, but his brain doesn't quite process the words being said. The bed shakes slightly, and Nar finally turns to see who keeps pushing his arm. There, the excited face of Cookie bounces up, and down, just barely peeking above the bed.
"Papa! Santa! Santa!"
Instantly, Nar is wide awake. He begins to shuffle out of bed, only for Cookie to take off out of the room. Nar slips his slippers ...
The Voices are all consuming. Fear, Pain, and Suffering surround Nar in a cacophony that tears away at his very being. He can feel the tendrils of the Voices attempting to rip apart his mind, and steal the memories within. He screams, but it only joins the thousands of other screams coming from within the Voices. There is no defense against the Voices once you're in it's clutches. Deep within the parts of Nar's mind, not yet under assault, he knows it's only a matter of time before he becomes li...
The air is knocked out of Nar's lungs as his abdomen slams into the edge of a large piece of stone. He feels himself begin to slide backwards. His arms reach forward, and grab hold of the other edge of the stone, pulling himself up so his chest, and abdomen can rest atop it. As Nar gasps for air, he takes in his surroundings. He's stuck on a piece that's broken off of on...
Three figures stand before the doors to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The first is the royal jester, Pulsar, standing in the middle of the two doors. Behind him, Nar, and Amy stand in an embrace. A sinister, powerful, arcane energy radiates from within the throne room. It pulsates in rhythmic fashion, like a beating heart. He is expecting them. He will not allow them to leave of his own accord. They're going to have to fight their way to the exit, and Pulsar is going to help them do it.
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Within the central plaza of Canterlot, deep within the Astral Plane, a beam of light shines into the bell tower of a small church. The beam appears to strike the bell inside the tower, and angle downward into the church. A lone figure enters the church, and gingerly closes the doors behind her. She is careful to make as little noise as possible.
Amy has managed to avoid any encounters with the Royal Guard, Pisces, so far, but she's not willing to risk getting caught now. After she closes the d...
Amy cannot recall how long she has been traveling. Nar was the one with a phone, and wrist watch to help keep the time, and he fell into some sort of trap a while ago. Though, she has had a lot of time to think. In between checking her surroundings for the royal guard, that is. The city she finds herself in is almost certainly some version of Canterlot. The castle sits high atop the city, and looks exactly as she remembers it looking back before she got lost in the AHS. Most of the notable,...
The stone walkway ahead of Amy closes just after having opened up to swallow her boyfriend. Before the stone walkway has even fully closed back up, she steps around it, and begins a quick jog into the plaza ahead. She takes note of how brightly lit the plaza is, despite the lack of any lit light fixtures within. A glace upwards shows that a moon hangs directly above the city. Not only is it a bright, full moon, but it's much larger than it should be. Almost twice the size of what she remembers t...
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Nar's fast descent is slowed to a stop as the chute he fell down gradually curves from vertical, to horizontal. Darkness gives way to candlelight. As his eyes adjust to the change in lighting, his brain works to make sense of the scene before it. The sight it beholds when his eyes finally manage to adjust momentarily stuns it with confusion.
Nar had expected the end of the chute to either be some sort of death trap, trash compartment, or just an empty, stone room. Instead, what greets Nar is wh...
Darkness gives way to blurry vision. A groan escapes Nar's lips as his brain finally begins to send commands to wake up the rest of his body. He tries to move his arm to sit up, but finds it's completely numb. As his vision comes into focus, his eyes shift back and forth to survey his surroundings. He's forced to squint as his gaze passes by the bright, white lights positioned above him. To his right, he thinks he can hear the voice of a woman. "Doctor. The Patient is awake!" He hears the sound ...