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Nar Yakushi

Male. Lives in 4163, Rink Way,  Vanhoover,  Equestria. 26 years old
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About Me
Man can't leave his sona dead. The character.
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Entertainment » Professional Sports Team
Nar Yakushi
//The temptation to port Nar's girlfriend from the Cyberpunk Red campaign I'm playing in, over to CA is real.
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Curb your enthusiasm
Like 15 hours ago
Nar Yakushi
Nar Yakushi
Nar is doing something for the first time in many years. Tonight Nar... Has a date! He met a cool mare while out skating yesterday, and after some talking, the two arranged for a date tonight. Nothi... View More
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Rain Check
As he was looking, he got a text from Spins: 'My dearest Nar, Are you free tonight? My family and I happen to be staying in Manehattan, and I was hoping they could meet you and your sister, perhaps even your daughter, maybe even the other band members. I know of the most exquisite pizzeria in th... View More
Like February 10, 2025
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Rain Check
"Oh, Pan here loves Manehattan," Palp explained. Pan nodded. "And Spinny loves Pan. So, when we visit her, we meet here." Sprout nodded. "That, and it's far from Appleloosa, which Red appreciates." "That too." Palp chuckled. " don't seem surprised by a pegasus and a changeling being si... View More
Like February 11, 2025
Nar Yakushi
"Well." Nar begins. "It's not like a tournament or anything. It's a literal battle between two bands. From what I've seen, every city has a different interpretation of it. In Vanhoover, it's a sort of 'best of 5' thing, where each band takes turn proposing some sort of challenge to compete in. First... View More
Like February 11, 2025
Rain Check
"No pressure, it sounds like." Sprout chuckled. "But, I believe in you. I'm with AoM no matter what. And...I don't doubt Asuka's abilities. Honestly...she could probably kill me. And big bro can attest to that bein a compliment." Palp nodded. "Second-best fighter in our class." Sprout smile... View More
Like February 11, 2025
"Piiiiizzzzzaaaaaa~" A Faint whisper came from behind Nar, And what was Behind them ?, Well it was the Ghostling of-course!, Wearing a Giant pizza costume and holding a Pipping hot Pizza box!, Like... so hot his Paw was starting to burn slightly so They should REALLLY Take it before Ghost's paw lit ... View More
Like February 10, 2025
Nitroxas Soulspins
*Nitroxas would be walking by, when she saw Nar. She would wave and then walked.* Hey Nar, how things been? Did you get a new look?
Like February 11, 2025
Nar Yakushi
The smell of cheap, convenience store food fills a dingy motel room in the middle of bum nowhere, Equestria. Sat on the single queen sized bed in the tiny room, Nar, and Juno share a feast of convenie... View More
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Dr. Odd
Odd would be eating nachos and cheese in a large cushy chair. He would be wearing 3D glasses. He was watching a 3D rendition of the scenario that just played out. "You know for what's worth, the 3D is weirdly good." He would have his right arm just DRENCHED in cheese, shirt and all.
Like January 30, 2025
Nar Yakushi
Four days was not nearly enough time for Nar. He really wishes he could spend more time with his family, but if the band waits too long, they're going to lose their momentum, and their shot at the num... View More
Nar Yakushi
Nar and his family are celebrating his victory in court by going out for ice cream (among many other things.) He made sure to invite you as soon as he could. After having ordered his own ice cream, he... View More
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Rain Check
Sprout smiled, though she was unable to stand still. She had bought a lovely pair of blinders for the occasion, and one of the band members had had to guide her here, as she refused to open her eyes to see Canterlot. Given the temperature, mixed with her lack of endothermic body heating, Sprout ob... View More
Like January 25, 2025
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Rain Check
Sprout smiled and sighed happily as the parka was placed on her. "Thanks, Nar...I wouldn't usually come up to Canterlot, but I gotta celebrate not just you gettin acquitted, but a royal guard receivin punishment for his actions!" She beamed. "...but mostly your acquittal."
Like January 25, 2025
Nar Yakushi
"Well, don't spend all your energy just yet." Nar states, with a smirk. "I got a call from Ryuji, y'know, lead guitarist, and singer of Dragonautica last night. It was mostly to congratulate me, but, he also told me something." Nar pauses for a moment, most of the other family members aren't paying ... View More
Like January 25, 2025
Rain Check
Sprout's eyes widened, missing a blink as they briefly shone bright green. "No way...that's amazin!!!" She gave Nar a tight hug, smiling wide. "I always knew you guys could do it!! And who knows, with your acquittal, y'all could already be close to number one!!" Her Sprout voice gave way to her... View More
Like January 25, 2025
Nar Yakushi
After two weeks, Nar is finally free again. He, and his family have had a small celebration in the evening, but with how late it was when Nar was released, they plan to have a real celebration tomorro... View More
Nar Yakushi
Nar Yakushi
Nar Yakushi
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