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Nar Yakushi

Male. Lives in 4163, Rink Way,  Vanhoover,  Equestria. 26 years old
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About Me
Man can't leave his sona dead. The character.
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78 Members
Nar Yakushi
"You're a freak of nature, you know that?" Asuka reaches over to flick a tuft of Nar's hair from his position in a hospital bed. "The hell dude. The doctors said you'd be in the ICU for at least a wee... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
"NAR!!!" The door swung open, revealing Sprout, her face wet with tears and snot. "Nar, oh my Queen, you're alive!!" She trotted up to his side, not seeming to notice Asuka. "As soon as I saw what happened, I was on the first train here!! I-I..." The ostensible pegasus' face crinkled up, follo... View More
Like July 24, 2024
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Nar Yakushi
At first, Nar appears surprised. It hadn't even occurred to him that the race was televised, and that people not there in person watched everything that happened. Wait, Sprout didn't live in Vanhoover the last time Nar checked. How far away did the race get broadcast? Were there griffons in Griffons... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout grabbed a tissue, blowing her nose and wiping off her face. "S-sorry, I just...I thought I was gonna lose a friend a..." She nearly said "again", but she didn't want to risk turning Nar's recovery into her own pity party. "...mine. A friend o' mine." She sighed, looking up at Asuka. "S-... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Nar Yakushi
Asuka's response is a simple shake of her head. "You're fine. The more the merrier as they always say." She offers a warm smile, then motions for Sprout to sit in a chair next to her. Nar gives a solemn nod. "Yeah. I get you. I know what it's like to lose people close to you, and I wouldn't want my ... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Rosa Cavalier
Rosa would appear in the doorway, arms crossed as she walked in. "The young take the dumbest risks, you know that? It is good to see you well, after that. Camille wouldn't stop crying for hours. Which is strange because she only knows Asuka. I should have recommended some fighting lessons, or reacti... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Nar Yakushi
There were few things in this world that truly scared Nar. Usually, cryptic warnings and threats were not one of them. For some reason though, Rosa's words cause a chill to run down Nar's spine. He visibly shudders for a brief moment, followed by a quiet "Ow." Needless to say, movement of any kind w... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Nar Yakushi
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Nar Yakushi
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Nar Yakushi
It's the night before the big race. Today, Nar has forgone his practice, in favor of resting. So, one would think he'd have gone to bed early to be well rested for the next day. Well, that had been th... View More
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Nar Yakushi
Despite it's position in the north of Equestria, Vanhoover tended to find itself the victim of heat, and humidity during the summer months. To walk outside for more than a few minutes in the summer wa... View More
Nar Yakushi
Nar starts clapping when you enter a party so that other people will start clapping for you too. #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
"...I appreciate the thought, all of you, but remember, this is a memorial service..."
Like April 22, 2024 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Sling's eyes would water.* Thank ya, thank ya all! *Sling had just played his first concert in front of a group bigger than 35.*
Like April 22, 2024
Heart Bubble
Heart looks scared, as an entire party begins clapping for him as he's simply carrying the cake in.
Like April 22, 2024
Nar Yakushi
Nar has designated himself as your hype man for the day. How does he go about doing this, you ask? Every time you talk about something you did, he says "Cheers, I'll drink to that." and takes a drin... View More
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"I just said I fought a Marshmallow enchanted monster ?" He said, before wondering how does one make Root beer... or how a Root could be Alcholic ?
Like April 21, 2024
Nar Yakushi
Nar's response is the same. "Cheers. I'll drink to that."
Like April 21, 2024
"....Pineapple belongs on a pizza."
Like April 21, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"There are some things I will not cheers to. This is one of them."
Like April 21, 2024
"Root beer? You want some cookies with that? And a bedtime story?"
Like April 21, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"Hey, I don't drink before 6 PM. Besides, I'm pretty sure rollerblading while drunk could be considered a DUI."
Like April 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"But then after I ripped his larynx out, I realized...that was a man. A man with a family who would never see him alive again. They'd never get to share in laughter or eat food together or tell him how much they love him. But then I remembered, that's what he did to Damsel."
Like April 21, 2024
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Nar Yakushi
"Cheers." Nar lifts his bottle. "I'll drink to that."
Like April 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
" really are committed to this bit," Spins said, having revealed her true nature to Nar a while ago to test his limits. "...remember when you had that stomachache? I used that as an opportunity to feed off of your love." She smirked, thinking this one would break him.
Like April 21, 2024
Nar Yakushi
Once again, Nar's response is to stick to his bit. "I'll drink to that." Followed by another swig of his root beer. "Not like that hurts me or anything. It just feeds you, right?"
Like April 21, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Sling would be shocked to see Nar, at the store, while opening up the shop. Sling would blink.* What are you here for?
Like April 21, 2024
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Nar Yakushi
"I don't know. I kinda just, showed up."
Like April 21, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Okay, want to come inside?
Like April 21, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"Nah. I'm good. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm gonna head off to look for something to eat."
Like April 21, 2024
Nar Yakushi
Nar ate too much, and now he has a tummy ache. #rp
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Taffy Twister!
ibuprofen for thee
Like April 19, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret took this opportunity to sneak in through his window and get ready to feed off of him.
Like April 20, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"Hey, give me a song. I want to see if I can play the baseline to as many songs as possible." #rp
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Cherry Ribbon n Co
"uhmmm Run to the hills- iron maiden?"
Like April 18, 2024
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Nar Yakushi
"A fan of the classics huh? Alright." Nar plops onto a nearby chair, and pulls up the song on his phone. From there, he attempts to follow along with his own bass guitar. The chorus gives him a little trouble, but otherwise, it's about what you'd expect for a cover. No great, but not exactly bad e... View More
Like April 18, 2024
Cherry Ribbon n Co
xe clap their hooves in joy "that's so cool!! we could start a band! im good at the drums!"
Like April 18, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"Ah, well. About that." Nar inhales sharply. "I'm already in a band. Have been for almost a decade. Funnily enough, my sister is our drummer."
Like April 18, 2024
Bright Brave
Fall Out, by The Police 1977
Like April 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Can you do the bassline to 'Under Pressure'?"
Like April 18, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"That's a good one. I used to play it all the time back in high school because my girlfriend at the time loved Queen." Nar gives a few nods, accompanied by him removing his bass from his back. Sure enough, Nar is able to replicate the bassline to "Under Pressure" with relative ease. "Huh. You'd th... View More
Like April 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout smirked. "Alright stop, collaborate and listen. Ice is back with a brand new invention. Something grabs ahold of me tightly. Flowing like a harpoon daily and nightly."
Like April 18, 2024
Nar Yakushi
With the sun having long since set, and the street lights having come on, Vanhoover's nightlife comes alive. Graveyard shifters commute to work, while the youth of the city gather in clubs and bars to... View More
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