Hello there! And welcome to Thundy's Theme Shop! Here, you can commission me any theme of music or song you'd like! I do a huge variety of genres and styles.
All prices in this shop are final. Look out because everything will be 50% for the next two weeks!
Simple Themes
Rock Theme - $15.00
Metal Theme - $15.00
Pop Theme - $15.00
Pure Electric Theme - $15.00
Classical Theme (no orchestral) - $16.00-$19.00 Depending on what ensemble you want. Trios are $16.00. Quartets are $17.00, Quintets are worth $18.00 and Sextets to full ensembles are worth $19.00
Jazz - $17.00 to $19.00 Depends on the size of the band you want. A small jazz band is $17.00, a medium sized band is worth $18.00 and a large jazz band is worth $19.00
Condensed Orchestral Themes
Condensed Orchestral - $30.00
+ Pipe Organ(Full Only) – $40.00
+ Pipe Organ(Flutes and Full) - $45.00
+ Pipe Organ(All settings) - $50.00
+ Pipe Organ(All settings) + Rock Band - $60.00
Full Orchestral Themes
Full Orchestral - $70.00
+ Rock Band - $85.00 (Symphonic Rock/Metal)
+ Rock Band + Pipe Organ(All settings) - $100.00 (Free bonus Synth of Choice [Square Wave or Sawtooth Wave])
Piano/Keyboard Themes
Piano Solo- $5.00
Harpsichord - $9.50
Double Piano - $10.00
Pipe Organ(Full Only) - $16.50
Pipe Organ(Flutes and Full) - $17.00
Pipe Organ(All settings) - $18.00
Synthesizer Ensemble - $19.50
Keyboard Ensemble (Free Harpsichord or Vintage Electric Piano Choice) - $22.00
Electro-Rock - $18.50
Electro-Classical - $25.00 + Classical Ensemble of Choice (50% off Classical Ensemble)
Electro-Jazz - $18.00 + Jazz band size of choice
Classical-Jazz – $16.00 (Choose any Classical and any size of band and you’ll get either one free of your choice)
Euro-Rock – $16.00
Euro-Classical - $16.00 + 50% off Classical Ensemble choice
Jazz-Metal - $15.00 + jazz band size of choice
World Themes
All World Themes are $20.00
World Fusions are $15.50 + genre of choice and any other stuff that comes with it.
Sound effects: $5.00 per sound
MLP Quotes: $8.00
Sound Bundle: $10.00
Updates are subject to happen.
All payments must go to my PayPal: menelikcan@aol.com
Additional notes
1. A condensed orchestral piece minimizes staff/track use and groups the instruments into sections per staff. For instance, the brass section will have it’s own staff or staves.
2. A synthesizer ensemble is comprised of 4 synthesizers: A squarewave, sawtooth wave, synth bass, and a warm synth pad.
3. There are 4 settings to the pipe organ on for software: Flutes, Principal, Half full and full. The same applies for the Korg Kronos Pipe Organs
4. A Keyboard Ensemble is comprised of a drum set, two acoustic pianos, a synth bass on a synthesizer and any synth lead.
5. A sound bundle is a continuous sound played in the background of a song for ambience. An example is the sound of waves in the ocean.