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About Me
How did I come to like mlp? Well, in a rather odd fashion. You see, I've come to like when things are destroyed or when ponies fall and fail. So I was on my usual search for destruction when the familiar "piano drop" comes into my mind. I look it up. As I was searching, I see a picture of Twilight Sparkle and the title: "Derpy Hooves: (drops stuff), by kyrospawn. I'm like "Huh? What's that doing here?". I then proceed to watch it. I laughed. Little did I know that this was My Little Pony. When I... View More
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Modified Canon
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Musician/Band
Company, Organization, or Institution » Political Organization

Nitroxus Soulspins Thundy The Griffon
*Nitroxus would slide in while shredding on a guitar. He smiled to the pony. He then would pass a large gift.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Thundy is curled up in a bush sobbing softly...*
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Thundy looked up at Starwatcher with his tear-drenched face. "Hurtful words...that's what happened...labeling me something that I'm not!" Thundy raised his voice a little, before he started to sob again. He was so vulnerable at this moment. All the memories of him nearly being abandoned by his paren... View More
April 1, 2023
wow sorry that happend to you but I'm glad you're still around
April 1, 2023
The Order
- In Feeling Pinkie Keen, which is the correct order of objects that fell from the moving carriage?
- In A Canterlot Wedding Part 1, which is the correct order of who walked out on Twilight?
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I must be a good guesser bc I knew nothing about any question that doesn't have to due with main character stories in the 30 minute episodes of FiM
But wasn't Cadence stoned before Celestia?
I recall her being stoned through a shield before Luna tried to fly off.
The Roller Coaster Quiz!
- The first roller casters were made of...
- The first tubular steel coaster was...
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Well you did pretty well. Want me to explain the ones you got wrong in PM? You'd learn some really cool facts.
Sure, it could be interesting. Maybe I'll look them up afterwards too.
May 15, 2021
You did pretty well! Need an explanation on the ones you missed?
I knew my expansive rollercoaster history would come in handy for something lol I didn't know everything though
*flies back in* Haah! Oh my goodness it feels like forever since I last visited here.
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*Sting gets maybe a little too close*
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Thundy slowly strolled alone, sniffling lightly. He wasn't the one for emotions...but what he was going through hit him pretty hard...
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Silver pats him, giving a questioning look and sitting down alongside.
December 25, 2019
All Thundy could do was gently nuzzle Silver with his beak.
December 25, 2019
"I know I don't really know ya, look pretty upset. Anything I could do to help?" he asks, with a small smile.
December 25, 2019
"Stay with me..." was all Thundy could say amidst his sniffling bringing in Silver for a gentle cuddle.
Sting sits next to Thundy and places a bag of burgers next to him* "Are you alright?"
December 25, 2019
*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
Do You REALLY Know Your American Football? #2
- When a running back is stopped behind the line of scrimmage, this is referred to by most fans as a
- When facing a 5-2 or goaline defense, the most optimal choice to convert the down is...
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Seren gets a straw and drinks the fuel out of Thundy The Griffon’s truck’s gastank.
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