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Trixie Lulamoon

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on September 22, 1998
by on August 17, 2019
Hello, everyone. You may be wondering what's with the title... Well, I'll cut right to the chase. For two weeks now, i had been working on a project. A big group RP. A second swarmling war, that anybody could take part in and influence. I spent two weeks of time building it up. Making lore. Getting people exited. It's only just now that there are several things I didn't account for. Organizational and time frame things. ...
367 views 0 likes
by on August 11, 2019
I, personally, don't have the greatest feeling, concerning Gen 5. Like.. I don't have anything wrong with rebooting or whatever, just... There's too many things that just raise red flags for me. I don't really want it to flop either, but considering the state of the entertainment industry, My faith in them isn't the highest... I'll be giving it a chance myself. ONE chance. If what I'm hearing about Gen 5 being more teen oriented is true, they have a great oppourtunity to explore some really a...
359 views 1 like