
Female. Lives in Gelding Grotto,  Equestria. Born on May 30, 1900
by on May 17, 2020
There is a reason behind everything, such is the way of Whisper and there is a reason how she developed a certain phobia that only comes out during the summer month and beach weather. It all started when... Whisper sat in the back of the carriage wearing her summer straw hat and trying to bite and nom on the edge of it, on either side is her two adopted Dads Mitch on her left and Rory on her right, they had realized that she should not spend all her time in gelding grotto surrounded by th...
308 views 2 likes
by on October 20, 2018
Rain Reinhardt is my Skunksona, she is a Western Spotted skunk with gre­en eyes an­d a white spot in between her eyes and one below each ear, hai­r is white­ and black­, body is ­black fur ­with two w­hite strip­es down her back, two­ following­ the curve­s of her sh­oulder bla­des (one o­n either s­ide) two ­following ­the curves­ of her hip­s on eithe­r side, a ­white stri­pe on both­ arms and ­legs and a­ white spo­t above ea­ch buttock­s. She works in an antique store, loves the smell of o...
392 views 2 likes
by on May 22, 2018
Cantewwot Avenyue Wuwes Wuwes estabwished on: 10/31/2017 Wuwes wevised on: 3/2/2018 ...
494 views 5 likes
by on January 9, 2018
I recon I could do a big long drawn out thingy on Whisper backstory... or I could do facts :D First a little about Gelding Grotto in my own lore lol Gelding Grotto is composed almost exclusively of former elite royal guards, it used to be considered the highest honor to be gelded in service of the princesses and focus solely on their protection, the extension of their rule and of the law. Now even the most elite must retire and so Gelding Grotto was born, a place for the retired guard to...
618 views 5 likes
by on December 7, 2017
I'm a Cake pony and while many can infer what that means I have some Cake Pony facts for y'all :D Cake ponies regenerate Whats better than a cake you can eat forever? NOTHING :D ...
566 views 7 likes
by on December 4, 2017
What better way to get to know someone than music eh? So here in no certain order is a list of my favourite albums of 2017   ...
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