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Software Developer, loves fanfiction, and gaming. Tend to do my best to never miss things, but I fail on that often. ADHD isn't fun, and I'm working on it. If I'm absent at times, I'm either at work, trying to keep up to date with my friendos, or taking what little time I can to myself.
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Nitroxus Soulspins Zap Transfer
*Nitroxus would slide in while shredding on a guitar. He smiled to the pony. He then would pass a large gift.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Zap would've just been opening her workshop as Nitroxus approached in their giant tire. Blinking rapidly for a few seconds, she'd smile sheepishly as she wrapped the large gift in her magic.*
N-Nitro! You didn't h-have to, ya know! *She'd place it down carefully before unwrapping it with her telek... View More
May 21, 2023
Welcome to help. Are you okay Zap? Oh, what's in your gift? *Inside was the one thing that she truly wanted.*
May 22, 2023
Finally. 💚
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*Nitroxus would deliver himself in a gift box in front of the creature and explode from it. With a bow, he would smile to them.* Hello and Welcome this magical place! I hope you enjoy it here!
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O-Oh. *She clearly hadn't been expecting anyone to appear at her workshop doorstep just to be her friend.* Sorry, just- Not what I e-expected, honestly. *She appeared sheepish now, chuckling a bit in embarassment.* I mean, um, not that I'm opposed! Just... Not used to that. Um- *She paused for a few... View More
February 14, 2022
Oh yes, I would love to come in. Also, I love your glasses rims. Nice shade of black.
February 14, 2022
*Once again, another owlish blink at the compliment before it changed to a sheepish smile.* Oh! Um, t-thanks! *She chirped before immediately readjusting her glasses for seemingly no good reason before backing up and refocusing her attention to Nitroxus, letting them through.* U-Um, sorry about the ... View More
Oh, I would love a donut! As for drink, I can take a soda, though water is good for me too. I love the organization in here. Reminds me of home, I really have a system like this in my bunker. Except the posters, I actually don't have any at home. I like the green lights, they are really nice.
*He w... View More
February 15, 2022
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