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Briea Lyn Miller

Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on June 11
by on June 13, 2022
Lore: Utterly failing to pursue her goal to develop her multiverse technology and magic on a large scale through every avenue available, Briea was out of funding and relying on an abandoned scrap yard for parts to keep her prototype technology running. With the help of her otherworldly companion, Xander, Briea devised a plan. She would approach a publisher with a chronicling of her adventures in journal format under the guise of the adventures being fiction. The publishers adored the idea of a f...
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by on January 1, 2018
Dear Princess Luna, Hi! I've never been very good at writing letters to people who I thought where authority figures, not that you aren't one, or writing letters in general. I see you more of a friend from afar, even though I've never met you. I feel this way because whenever I was working long nights back in manehatten, your stars were always there to be beautiful and help me through the hard times, thanks. I picked you to write this to because of that, and I figured you were a bit underappr...
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