
Honor Scroll
"Hello tallest one, I got ask have y'all ever in your long life span have seen or heard anypony manifesting weird abilities with their cutie mark? maybe something in the lines of bringing life to book... View More
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Which one of you is scientifically proven to be the thiccest?
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dear princess I unlike other pones do not and cant get a cutie mark what can i do to blind in more with others?
"This all is pretty awesome,Really! Even though it already was..If we're talking about the princesses of course."
-Also..royal guards are cool. -w-
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Hey,They aren't all..bad. I do they even manage stay awake for that long? Believe me,I've counted.
* muzzle against your shoulder *.... yea all is pretty awesome !! :D * drop my muffin *.. O.o.. sya dash !
January 9, 2018
O..okay? Just make sure to be more..Out looking too next time! ^^
Haha!,Thanks. Looks like there's 3 against uhh..well..3? Awh,Hay apples!
Cupcakes. Cupcakes Everywhere.
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"Can I take pictures for the new Hottie 2018 calendar? the newest FIREFIGHTER Luna themed is on trending, at hoofbook."
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dear princess have you ever listened to Sabaton Carolus rex?
also I know your screate you didn't send Luna to a moon for a thousand years:
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