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Twilight and Sunset
by on December 8, 2017
I mean come on I know I am the princess of friendship but my muzzle is getting sore!
Somepony anypony make it stop. I do not knowhow these ponies get in my castle and find time to boop me!
Now I must be faced with even more boops!
a boop boop here and a boop boop there here's a boop there's a boop everywhere there's a boop!
5 people like this.
Crashie Tunez
easy twilight, don't want any brain juice anywhere
Like December 8, 2017
You have my word, and this goes for everypony else too, that no boop will come from me unless you boop me first. I don't want to annoy anypony in that fashion.
Like December 23, 2017