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Lemon Jubilee
by on September 6, 2019
As the sun rises and its light pours over the land, a little filly is awoken. She smiles brightly and leaps off the bed on to the carpeted floor. She turned to the door and creaked it open. She checked the halls and proceeded to excitedly rush to the master bedroom. She peeks inside and creeps up to the side of the bed. She pounces on the unsuspecting stallion under the sheets. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME! IT'S TIIIIIIME!" The orange stallion wakes up startled. "WHA- WHAT... Wha... What's time?" He said after he managed to calm himself a bit. "Daddy, did you really forgot? It's the day! The Cora-cora.... natton? It's the Coranatton day!" The stallion took a moment to comprehend what the small filly was saying. His face suddenly brightens and he laughed. "It's coronation, sweetie." He looks over to the purple unicorn next to him that was also startled awake then to the window. "It's a bit early though. Do we have to right this instant?" The unicorn spoke up. "We could use this time to physically and mentally prepare. It IS quite the big deal and it can put ponies under a lot of pressure." The stallion yawned, stretched, and rubbed his eyes. "I suppose." The filly jumped down as he threw the blanket off and stood wearily. The unicorn gets up and follows him to the hall. "Hey, Lemon. Do you think you can wake your brother and sister?" The little yellow filly turned to the orange alicorn and smiled sweetly. She then rushed off in the direction of her siblings' rooms. The alicorn and unicorn head down the opposite way and to the stairs. Today was a special day, indeed. As per rule, when a foal reaches adulthood, they have a coronation for the new king or queen and the old ones can retire. For multiple offspring, the eldest goes first. They ring the royal bells and sing songs and hold great feasts to the new king or queen. They will have Galas but much more interesting and fun. It is a day of happiness. But the hard part is leading the stubborn and tough group of ponies that lived there. You can imagine how stressful this might be. Especially for the poor blue unicorn trying not to have a mental breakdown as her little sister woke her and told her of what day it is. "Aren't you excited, Cloudy?" The small pony declared. "Yeah, that's a word for it." Cloudy takes several breaths to calm her. "Okay, I think I can do this. Just... try not think about it much." She gets up from the bed and turns to the door. "I can do this. I can do this." She muttered to herself as she left for the staircase. Lemon ran for her brother's room, woke him, and told him what was today. The yellow filly and the similarly blond pegasus colt ran out and toward the throne room to meet up with their family. Their faces shone of excitement. Their hoof steps echoing in the long and empty halls. Lemon looked to her brother. "Are you excited, Banana?" Her brother responded, "What do you think? I'm as excited as you are!" He gave his sister a bright smile. "Race ya down the stairs!" He took off before Lemon could. "Hey! No fair!" You can hear the little clopping of small hooves trying to run down the stairs. He laughs to himself as waits for Lemon at the bottom. She meets up with him, but not before sticking her tongue at him. They walked to the throne room through the slightly busy halls.
... I'm going to pause here because right now I'm really tired and want to stop. Goodnight and hope you enjoyed so far.
Topics: idk, what, topics, there are
2 people like this.
Scarlet Gleam
//Cornatton day! I love it, Filly lemon is so cute!
Like September 8, 2019
Lemon Jubilee
Like September 8, 2019