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Crimson Night
by on December 9, 2017
I felt like sharing my other characters that I have and used for RPs in the past. Ever since PS and PHM died I havent really had a place to show them off or tell anyone else about them. Some of these not many knew about, and some probably didn't even know it was me unless I told them. Most of these characters I havent used in a while so if I were to ever do an RP with them I might be a little rusty.
Well first I'll show you Crimson. I know most people that know me probably know him so not much to introduce here.
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I have had him in alternate forms before. Mostly anthro version but I have turned him into a griffon once.
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This here is my oldest Alt OC. Cereza. She is a vampire dragon. she was pretty fun to use. pretty ferocious at times.
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This character here is Shade. He is canically Crimsons son. I remember making him during a ship that ended a while back. He's still around though.
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This is the last dragon OC I made. Talia. She was probably one of the most fun I had using. Mainly cause this character ran a circus was kind of insane. playing an insane character can be pretty fun.
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This character is probably my oldest furry character. Shane. He's a sergal. I originally had him as a sergal version of Crimson, hense using the same color scheme. But I decided to make him his own character.
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This here is Seth. He is a bluejay. He's probably my favorite furry character I made. I dont know, maybe cause it's how much I like birds. either way when I used him it was pretty fun. For a while I didnt know what I was doing for the background of him, So it kept changing. But I had the idea of making him a sort of assasin and went with it. I liked the idea of him in some kind of enhanced ninja suit. recently I got him drawn dressed as Zero from Borderlands 2. And I think it fits him pretty well.
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oh yeah. I also did have Seth as a griffon when I was on PS.
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