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Queen Chrysalis
by on December 10, 2017
or Part four of my background story

The past - Before Luna's banishment 4
A few years passed and Chrysalis had laid more eggs. She now had 40 changelings, children that followed her orders and never complained. She wasn’t sure if she was a really good mother or the changelings were just behaving much easier to control than normal ponies. At times it even scared her a little.
Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were now private pupils of Star Swirl the Bearded and none of them remembered or cared about Chrysalis. Her changelings weren’t a threat, they knew how to hide and disguise themselves.
Another year passed and Chrysalis, with the help of her children, was living like royalty. Since she and her changelings could shape-shift, they could steal whatever they wanted without anyone being able to track them. They didn’t just take love, they took bits, stole artifacts and no one suspected Chrysalis. She was now living in a mansion in Canterlot, the soon to be capital of Equestria. Her changelings were disguised as family, friends and guards.
It was her pride and her greed that made Chrysalis believe she could go on like this forever, gain more and more power without being caught. So it was a big surprised when one night Royal guards appeared in her bedroom and captured her before she could react.
Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were now the two rulers that were in charge of Equestria, the Royal family was no longer responsible. So it was up to the two sisters to judge Chrysalis and decide for her punishment. Chrysalis was accused of robbery, identity theft and brainwashing on several occasion. Of course she defended herself and her children that had been given the name ‘changelings’ by ponies. Chrysalis called herself the Queen of her changelings and justified her crimes with the need for love, emphasizing that neither her or her changelings have hurt anypony. She even asked them for help.
While Celestia pressed that they had to banish the changelings from Equestria, Luna wanted to help them. The conflicting opinions on how to proceed were the reason they just let Chrysalis go and gave her a warning, that if she or her changelings were to be heard of again, they would be banished. All of her belongings were taken away and became property of the Royal family.
Of course this left a rather bitter aftertaste with Chrysalis, she was not grateful that the Princesses let her go, she felt anger because they could have helped her, she was just doing what she had to, to live a good live and then they just took away everything she had. Chrysalis and her changelings then moved into a cave in the south of Canterlot and weren’t heard from again in a while.
Only when one of her changelings died several years later Chrysalis got over her own pride and approached Luna and Celestia once again. Abjectly she walked up to the two sisters, who were anything but happy to see a changeling again. However they also felt compassion, especially after Chrysalis explained in what a bad place they were. Princess Luna suggested that she and Celestia could provide love for the changelings, supposing that the love of two alicorns could be enough for the changelings to last for years. However they could not make such a decision on the spot and so Chrysalis was told to come back the day after.
On the next day Chrysalis returned, hoping that the ponies she despised so much would save her family and give her a reason to let bygones be bygones. She was shocked when Celestia told her that they could not provide the love but instead suggested to call for donations from their subjects. It was Star Swirl who advised against sharing love with changelings, for it could have unknown side effects. Chrysalis, right then, right there swore revenge and left.
Princess Celestia felt bad about their decision, but it was too much of a risk. Princess Luna though, who was struggling with the popularity of her sister now more than ever, saw this as an opportunity to solve a problem without the help of her sister. To win someone's heart and be the hero she was meant to be. She sought out Chrysalis and her changelings and let Chrysalis feed on her love. That this would have a negative impact on her own feelings and ultimately lead to her decision to rebel against her own sister, neither of the two could have known. And to this day the connection has not been drawn.
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