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Carmen Gumshoe
by on February 4, 2020
Today was a special day. Perhaps one of the most important days of the year for the lovestruck investigator: Hearts and Hooves day. It was a little early, at least a week and a half, but that was the tradition they've followed since their first time spending the holiday together. Carmine could hardly wait for the holiday to come around back then so he decided to reveal his surprise a week early to his lover. It began with breakfast in bed. Then lunch in bed, followed by dinner in bed. He even went so far as to force dessert in bed, despite the horrid way that his tiramisu turned out. On the actual day of Hearts of Hooves, the two spent their time jogging off the weight they gained from laying around and eating. A few guilty bites from a chocolate bar was necessary, as well! Tradition's important. It was something that they lovingly upheld for five years.
The sky was crystal clear, and would stay that way for a few days if the weather schedule was to be believed. Nestled safely within his saddlebags was a bouquet of flowers, gladiolus specifically, and a small thing of chocolates. The both of them teetered more toward vanilla flavors, but Hearts and Hooves was about love and chocolate. The wind was starting to bring a chill, but the investigator pushed through. His destination was approaching; their usual meetup spot for the past six years: Ponyville Cemetery.
𝘎𝘭𝘰𝘳π˜ͺ𝘰𝘢𝘴 𝘝𝘒𝘭𝘰𝘳. 1991 - 2014. π‘‡β„Žπ‘’ π‘–π‘šπ‘Žπ‘”π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘Ž π‘˜π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘. π‘ƒπ‘–π‘›π‘›π‘Žπ‘π‘™π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘β„Žπ‘–π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘Ÿπ‘¦. πΏπ‘œπ‘£π‘–π‘›π‘” π‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘ β„Žπ‘’π‘‘ π‘“π‘–π‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’Μ
"Hey. Didn't forget our tradition," Carmine began, sitting beside the grave with an anguished smile. The grass around the stone felt much nicer than last year's, seems the groundskeeper really did take care of the cemetery. Val's headstone was spotless, too. Good. The cloth he brought for polishing may actually become a handkerchief for the investigator in due time. He sat the flowers across the grave, letting them rest upright on the stone and taking great care in assuring they didn't block any of the engraved lettering. "Brought these for you. It's funny, I only found out what they mean a couple days ago... sharp blades, mortal integrity. Damn, it's like they were made for you. Also heard they represent a heart, being pierced by infatuation. Guess there's a bit of both of us in these flowers, huh?"
Silence. Carmine expected the silence. It's not like his former lover could talk back, after all he lost that ability years ago. The silence didn't bother Carmine, at least he tried to not let it. There were times that he preferred it, actually, as it let him think things out. Anyone who knew Carmine knew he couldn't stay quiet for long. Where one topic ends, another would soon begin. "It's been a strange year. I started my private eye business, like you always said I should. It ain't goin' so hot, so I had to take another job. It's not so bad. I enjoy the folks I've met."
The silence hit again. Only this time the gentle whistling of the wind started to sting. He desperately tried to fill the dreaded lack of noise with something-- anything that could distract his wandering mind. "Uh... I also tried. Moving on. You know-- from you. I know you want me to. I've had a couple dates here and there, but... I dunno. It don't feel right. Sure, there's been a few that caught my eye lately, but they're not you. I don't think they'll *ever* be you. I know it ain't a rational way of thinkin', but I can't help it. I gave you all I had. I doubt I could do that for someone else."
His poor attempts at deflection didn't do anything to help. If anything, that topic made him feel worse. Valor always said that Carmine didn't know when to stop talking. With a wry laugh, he reached into his bag and pulled out the chocolate tin. Times like these, chocolate was less of a luxury and teetered more like a necessity. He popped one in his mouth and started to chew. "You know, my scar starts hurting whenever I come visit you. It's aching right now." He brought his hoof up to the two-inch long scar down the right of his cheek. "Doctors said I was lucky. Any further up and that glass woulda hit my eye. I'd look pretty cool with an eye patch, though."
Another laugh escaped. This one much more defeated than the last one, followed by a quick droop of his ears. His heart started to sink into his chest. The inevitable pain started to fester, like a wound left untreated. "It hurts when I think about it. What happened. The kid screamin' on my back. Your leg. That damned alarm... I still don't get it. Why? You had everything ahead of you. A master in combat, top of your class, squeaky clean morals... you were on posters, for Celestia's sake! Posters! And yet you gave it all up. For me. A troublemaker from nowhere that didn't get his mark till he was nineteen. I don't get it. I would've stayed with you."
The silence was louder this time. Piercing. Like watching a window shatter from afar. Even if one were too far away to hear the glass break, the ears had a habit of playing nasty tricks on the mind. Why, he could almost hear the ear-full he'd be getting should Valor be standing in front of him right now. What he'd give to actually be able to hear one of Valor's trademarked lectures. A pair of tears trickled down the investigator's cheeks, which seemed to be the outlet he needed to finally wash himself free of guilt and realize the answer to his six year long question. The corners of his mouth started to tug into a smile, small, but impactful. An answer as obvious as the sun in the sky.
A sigh left the investigator's muzzle. It was a freeing sensation. Like finally being able to bathe off muck and grim after a hard day of work. From now on, there would be no more tears, only the fond memories of what they once were while he tried to piece his life together, bit by bit.
"I know, Val. I love you, too."