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by on February 15, 2020
It had been five hours. Five hourse since Trish had been locked up in royal dungeons. Under guard. He'd been under the impression that he was a rather trusted individual on the royal grounds given his presence there during his mother's time as an ambassador to the princes, and moreover, as a rather esteemed physician and this was quite odd to him.
The only questioning he had recieved was immediately as he was arrested. They had asked him if he had recently accessed the forbidden archives in the Library. Of course he hadn't-on the odd occasions he had to need to be inside the area, he only had to ask a guard with a proper slip from another researcher. While he couldn't argue that his skills as a magus WOULD allowed him easy access inside, he found it odd that they would even expect him.
Part of him even feel a bubbling resentment that his changeling identity, however under wraps, might have been playing a large factor in this. Underlying mistrust that couldn't be avoided. But that was not a thing that he could prove unless given time. And it needed to be time outside this cell...which he wasn't getting.
He presses his nose against the bars, closing his eyes slowly. The panic in the guards' voices had been evident. What had happened? Theft? Murder? Magical damage? All he knew is that he had told Armin to meet him here...and...Armin. He hoped the stallion wouldn't be wandering about the library still looking for him. He really needed some way to relay to the Order that he'd been waylaid here, their work with the crystal was due to start soon, possibly today...and being here...greatly prevented that.
He sighs before opening his mouth to accost one of the guards, impatience taking over at last. He never manages to form a question however, as the sound of approaching armored hooves causes him to open his eyes. The captain standing before him seems to be sizing him up...?
Or something...the stallion retrieves a scroll and looks it over, before looking back at Trish. "The guards here say you're a regular. A scholar and...physician?"
"Yes sir. I've treated the nobility of Canterlot and even a few guardsequines...why?" Trish says as he fixes his glasses, his eyes darting to some of the other guards. He hadn't really thought about what they thought of him until now...
"...because it makes the crime that occured this morning seem less likely to be you...and yet...we do not have a lot of leads. Before you think we are targeting you because of your identity sir, bear in mind that only your identity as a powerful mage is of concern here." the captain says as he raises another scroll, this one looking something like a map...of the royal archives. "Someone broke in this morning in the early hours, undetected, and stole one of our hidden books. This one was a dormant tome that was BELIEVED to have sealed an ancient being. It was entirely under lock and key. When I say entirely under lock and key, I mean that there was no way that anyone short of the Princes or an accomplished mage could have broken the seals on the book-or could hope to free the demon. So that the seals on its case were broken is a big say the least." The captain pauses.
"...and you tailed the spells remnants or energy signature, I assume..." Trish says as he tilts his head.
"...that's just it. There were none. The trail of magic was entirely suppressed. The book might as well have just disappeared." the captain says pointedly. "You were the most accomplished spellcaster on the grounds the moment the book went missing. It was the only lead we have. Seeing as the book doesn't APPEAR to be on you...we can't charge you with anything."
Trish nods as he shrugs. "Entirely natural. Nor do I expect you to take me at my word that I have the book. Should I assume you need me to stay in Canterlot for the time being until the tome is recovered?"
"Naturally." The captain nods as he waves on the guards over to unlock the cell. "It would be annoying to have to hunt you down. And I assume you know nothing of this theft?"
"I do not, and I am willing to cooperate with any wishes the guard has to find the culprit and this tome." and clear his name...this is irksome.
"Appreciate...for now, I am sure, it would be wise to steer clear of the library, as we conduct an investigation..." the captain groans as he strokes his beard, looking out a window at the afternoon sun. This is not going to be a fun hunt.