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Absinthe Noir
by on February 16, 2020
Fifty-two are broken
And broken are fifty-two
Thirty-two snails running
Sixty fish so blue
Eighty-eight dogs yelling
Yelling yelling yelling
Eighty-eight dogs yelling
Broken backs so rude
Crying in the sunlight
Are fifty-five more ryes
Crying in the moonlight
Are twenty-two more eyes
Eating all the mold wood
Ninety-nine more bears
Eating chomping growling
How many bears are there?
Eleven-hundred beetles
Crawling in my skin
Nine-hundred-fifty wormlings
Crawling in my eyes
Underground I’m buried
Underground I lie
Til’ twenty-six new lovelies
Come and find inside
Inside of ninety deer
Inside of fifty cats
Inside of eighty rats
I am dead inside
Inside outside all around
Ninety-eight men lie
Cold and heartless in the ground
Ninety-nine more die
Falling from the sky there
Eighty-seven bats
Flicking flopping
Heads are dropping
Eighty-seven bats
Crawling in the forest
Are sixty-two skinned rats
Falling from the ground
Are ninety-eight red cats
My bones will turn to puss
And my eyes become a stew
As fifty-five more rabbits
Give me rabid flu
Eleven-eighty-nine bees
Shoot up into my ears
And mellow out my brain
And take away my years
Ninety-one flamingos
And fifty-two baboons
Eat rotten yellowed flesh
And they might just eat yours too
Underground I lie
Within the dirt and cold
As forty-one raccoons
Steal away my bones
Twenty-two eyes
And fifty-seven legs
Stand in the corner
And watch
As you in your bed, you lay
When you’re fast asleep
With ninety-two more thoughts
And fifty-seven dreams
With sixty-seven plots
I’ll come into your bed
And count your little hairs
That sit upon your head
With ninety-nine more stares
Sleep tight my little lovely
Think of fifty things
That keep you from going calmly
Going quite insane
Dream off to sixty nightmares
And think of eighty things
With fifty broken backs
And seven broken wings
For when you wake up soundly
Within the dirt and grime
And sixty-two skinned rats
Are falling from the ground
While ninety-five white cats
Steal your bones and hound