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Alright, I guess it's time I explain what Operation: Final Battle is. It all started back in 2013 on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 15th) on a day off from high school with a big epic battle within the original series that was based on Operation: Blackout, titled Operation: Final Battle. It basically pitted the Stickman Force (That was the name at the time) against The Darkitect. We eventually won and saved the cartoon universe from total annihilation of The Darkitect's influence. I liked how the event played out so much that I decided to make it a tradition that whenever a major turning point needed to happen, it would always happen on January 15th. Well, this year, it would've been the 8th Operation: Final Battle in the lineup of major turning events. However, due to some circumstances, I wasn't able to fully play out O:FB the previous years before 2017. But, whatever, it's 2021, I can do it. So, in other words, Operation: Final Battle is a major event that happens within my series that I usually RP with my friends. HOWEVER, this year, since this one was special, I decided to actually share it with you all. And from here on out, ALL Operation: Final Battles will be shared with you all since this event means so much to me.
Here's the plots from each and every operation:
2013: Operation: Final Battle
The one that started it all. This one had us pitted against The Darkitect in a bout to save the Cartoon Universe from his influence. This operation ended on top of a maelstrom tower with me against the Darkitect.
2018: Operation: Final Battle 2: Battle for the Past
This one dealt with timelines as me and my time went back into the past to stop the Overlord from taking over the timeline and influencing it into his own/trying to make it so I didn't exist. This one was before the 2019 reboot.
2018: (Planned, but wasn't able to) Operation: Final Battle 3: Return of Peno
This one was going to deal with the dark lord of the pen darkness, Peno, returning to take out the USF and take over the Cartoon Universe. It wasn't gonna turn out good.
2019: Operation: Final Battle (2019 version)
This one was after the reboot happened. Basically the same, but with an updated timeline to fit the reboot.
2020: Operation: Final Battle 4: Objective Maelstrom
This one happened during the wedding between me and Skystar within the Canterlot Avenue timeline. THIS one I did with Canterlot Avenue, and it was a lot of fun, but it ended with some casualties... on Flam's part.
2021: Operation: Final Battle 5: Herbert's Takeover
And here we have the current one, Herbert's Takeover. This one deals with Herbert and his plan to take over the Cartoon Universe as the emperor of all. He succeeds, and now it's up to the USF to take him down and restore order to all the worlds.
Hope this clears things up about what O:FB is!
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Uhh... I guess I was supposed to post this as my self, but it apparently posted it as this page. Sorry! Just ignore who posted it!
Like February 12, 2021 Edited