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Stardusk Strider
by on June 24, 2021
This story will have some darker undertones, so reader discretion is advised.
Name: Stardusk Strider
Age: 10
The first night out and about in such a long time. The stallion was beginning to give up the idea of ever seeing the outside world ever again. Of course, it's not how he would have liked to see it: It's the dead of night (around 2 AM), with the streets barren as all the ponies have sheltered up for their rest. This is quite the opposite for his clan, however, as they are most active in the night, to work on keeping the peace in the later hours.
He could not revel in the sight of the outside much longer, however, as he was tasked with his first mission. He can still recall the orders he was given by his mentor:
"There is an arson that needs to be taken down. He has not caused any trouble yet, but our spies have been on him, and his first act of terror is tonight. He needs to be apprehended and primed for processing by the guards. Do not kill, only detain."
"Only detain, got it." He affirmed to himself. Equipped to his side was a singular dagger. It was like a miniature sword to him due to his smaller size, but he has received enough proficiency to be able to wield it as a reasonable means of defense (or offense). He internally prayed in his head that the situation wouldn't be that hairy, but such pondering only made him ask more questions, such as 'how formidable is this stallion?' and 'Could I even take him down?'. These thoughts would only begin to dissolve whatever little confidence he had in this mission in the first place. Two years of mental training all gone with one real world mission. How do the other 10 year old clan members make it look so easy?
His pondering was eventually cut off however, as his ears began to be flooded with the sound of glass breaking, along with the sound of rushing fire. This snapped the stallion out of his own head, only to be presented with a house being burned down at a rapid pace. His eyes went wide, as no amount of training could help prepare him for what he is witnessing. After a brief moment of being stunned, his eyes would dart around, trying to find the culprit, which was already making a mad dash away from the scene. "H-hey! S-stop right there!!" the colt cried out as he began to make a break for them, but before he could make it far, another noise pierced his ears:
A foal. A crying foal, and their voice originated right inside the burning house.
Star then went from adrenaline to chase, to adrenaline in sheer panic. He could not let such a being perish, but at the same time, he cannot fail his mission! He looked between the way the arson ran, and the house, only to find himself stuck in his head again. This time it only lasted for mere seconds, as he reminded himself that time is short, and decisions need to be made now. So, he turned to the burning house, and without thinking about his well being, just darted right in.
In such a short span of time, the whole interior of the house was up in flames, with the foal in a cradle, crying louder than the heavens. With some ducking and weaving of the fire, he made it to the cradle, before procuring another question in his head:
"W-where are the parents?"
His question was promptly answered however, as he heard one more cry: a stallion behind a fallen beam. He spots Star, and cried out for help, but the fire was burning too quickly. It was one or the other, not both. Once again, Star was put in the back and forth situation as the infernal flames danced and sparked all around him. What was he to do? It was only after a brief moment when a voice dictated his answer:
"P-please mister! Save my baby! I want them to live their life! I've already lived mine..." The father hung his head, as the flames started to slowly creep up around him. With the stallion's blessing, Star sprung into action and swooped up the foal, beginning a mad dash through the fire, which only allowed him a narrow tunnel out the door to let him and the foal escape unscathed. The foal was screaming louder than ever, but Star couldn't dwell on that. He still had time to save the father! In a quick succession, he turned around and raced to the door...which had flames engulf it in the last second. There was no hope...
Star would panic and fidget as he would look for a way around, or at least some way to get him out. Instead, he was given a noise, or rather, a scream. A deep, bellowing scream from inside the house.
The father was being burned alive.
Star began to have tears well down his cheeks, desperate to try and save the stallion. He has to! He can still do it! But the screams and cries say otherwise. He can't look anymore, because between the smoke and the tears, the sight of the now ball of fire was too much to bear. He moved back to the foal, and picked them up, their tears piercing the heavens like no other.
It was only a matter of time before others in the local area began to notice, in which ponies began to get out of their house to assess the situation. As they approach, they see the ball of fire, now no longer bellowing into the night. But, as for the foal screaming and the mysterious colt, they were gone. Rather, Star already retreated, holding the foal close to try and muffle its cries as best as he could. Once he got far enough, he let the foal scream out once more, Star staring at the new orphan. He wish he could take them but he can't. He can't take anything back to the clan. The only option he could think at the moment is to leave it by the closest doorstep he could find, and dash off. The crying should wake up the residents of that home.
Back to the underground base, the mentor was reaming Star for his insubordination.
"You let the arson escape. This is absolutely unacceptable in the means of our clan. You will be undergoing serious consequences for your negligence and even receive disciplin-..."
As his mentor spoke, Star could do nothing but stare, as in his ears, it wasn't the voice of his mentor, but the sound of the fire, the sound of the foal, the sound of the stallion being burned alive...all of it. It was too much.
This is his new life now.
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