Friendship Letters
I only just wish to be a better pony, these days haven't been the best and quite recently I have lost quite a lot of friends due to my irritability and heightened aggression, I really don't understand why I am feeling this way, but I do hate it when these ponies lie to me, or take advantage of me... Do I have to be friendly to all of them?? I am starting to regret even coming here to Equestria, some are just so mean and evil, it MAKES you want to INVADE THE PLANET.... I guess, this will be the last time I will have a relationship with anypony... My heart's broken, and I wish to be more loving if they are this sensitive, or maybe I am the one that is being sensitive? It's hard to tell the difference, but maybe it is better to be alone anyway.... Not have to worry about anypony anymore... Right? So my only wish is to no longer be hateful or hated, but appreciated, and that we can settle our vast differences....
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