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Queen Lesa
by on August 23, 2021
Hearing about Prince Dusk Shine made Lesa think back to the day when she was his assistant, she was twenty-one years of age when she met Dusk for the first time. Without any doubt that stallion loved his books. He did have quite a collection of books in his library all nicely organized. How did Lesa become Dusk's assistant? You would think he wouldn't need one because he already had one his trustworthy dragon assistant. She didn't use her charm or her looks nor did she use her knowledge, she wasn't really into stallions back then... but all that would change was it because of him or another stallion? That's another story.
Whenever Dusk and his dragon assistant were out Lesa looked after his castle. Making sure it was clean. The toughest challenge was making sure everything! Was organized exactly how Dusk liked it it wasn't easy, but she managed to pull it off but boy was she exhausted afterwards, but she managed to become Dusk's assistant.