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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
by on March 8, 2022
(Alright, time for a shitpost story cause why the fuck not. Carmine's mad lib post got me inspired to make this short story, but i'm going to make it in MY style. The epic way. No chapters this time cause, well, it's a short story. Letsa fuckin' go! Oh and this is canon to my series. Shoutout to Carmine! -Stickman)
It was a beautiful night in Rio De Janeiro. The hero of this story was Stickman... not that dumb idiot poop face Carmine Gumshoe. He was out and about in his and Jewel's homeworld. But what's this? Carmine appears on top of the Statue of Christ wielding his own version of the Nataruk. Like Teshin, he fires a sentient arrow into the sky an leaps down from the statue, saying "I'll give you a drop dead party!" Stickman, not wanting to waste using his fabled sword on Carmine, instead used the Balloon Sword of Farts, Fartmageddon. He slapped Carmine away into the fuckin stratosphere (god damn) for 10 hours. He didn't come back down. Stickman kinda got worried. After those 10 hours, which it was still night for some... reason, Carmine came back down in a burning blaze of glory. Angels were singing as he came burning into the atmosphere! He tried landing a finishing blow on Stickman. But wait! Something happened! The statue wasn't even the Statue of Christ at all! It was Gromit doing a T-pose (*At this point, the author of this story has doubled over in laughter. Please excuse him.*)! Carmine got spiked into the ground. He ate dirt. Lots of it. The T-pose gromit statue then crumbles, revealing none other than Nega Stickbot Alpha, the true villain behind it all. He finally got his revenge on Carmine for committing mass robot genocide... and destroying his robot factories. He fortnite dances back into the portal, satisfied with the outcome.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Funny thing is... This actually sounds like a normal day in my series. Not to this... extent, but hey, anything's possible in my wacky but epic universe.
Like March 8, 2022 Edited