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by on December 29, 2017
This site's still less than a month old, but that's no excuse to not nominate anypony for any made up catagory award. There are only 2 rules. 1; you can not nominate yourself. 2; 1st pony to get nominated gets the award
#1: Riley
Absolute bestest of all the users on the entire site whom nopony else even compares to tyvm: Hickory
Always skips leg day: City Bread
Best admin: Spark The Kirin
Best angst writer Shiro
Best Animeme: Kiyoshi Tsukuda
Best artsy stuffz: Snow Storm
Best Babe: Appy
Best bat: Maizzey Starr
Best bestie: Rose Bud
Best book nerd: Twilight Sparkle
Best Canadian: PinkBow
Best communist: Karlheinz
Best curly hair: Fruity Loops
Best deer: Thicket
Best dev: Comp
Best DIN GUS, digger, date, family man (mom stealer): Schwoopy Tail
Best dev effort: Comp
Best Earmuffs: Saphira
Best father: Schwoopy Tail
Best fluff pone: Silver shield
Best friend: Riley
Best god: Decay
Best goddess: Snow Storm
Best hippo: Amethyst the Hippogriff
Best hippogriff: Amethyst the Hippogriff
Best Hoe: Rivachi
Best Husband: Tashi
Best junk: NoDingay Nation
Best Junkrat: Silver Shield
Best laugh: OceanDrop
Best Legs: Spergoogy Tail
Best liar: Schwoopy Tail
Best list editor: naked
Best literally everything: Snow Storm
Best lover: Shooting Star
Best Meemaw: Snow Storm
Best Meme: Saphira
Best meme artist: OceanDrop
Best meow: Night Watcher
Best nerd: Tashi
Best Nominator: Decay
Best Pony: Rainbow Dash
Best pony-wife: Saphira
Best roll of cinnamon: NoDingay Nation
Best shipper: NoDingay Nation
Best Sister: PinkBow
Best smooches: Snow Storm
Best snack: Riley
Best son: Seir
Best streamer: Tashi
Best sugar daddy: Maxh Scratch
Best tasting Bread: City Bread
Best twerker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) : Tashi
Best wife: Hickory
Biggest dork: Schwoopy Tail
Biggest Gun Nut <3: PinkBow
Biggest thot. Nightwalker
Bottom bat: Phoenix Genevieve
Bottom Kirin: Spark The Kirin
Coolest: Snow Storm
Cutest/sweetest: Red Ink
Decay's rock aka best rock: Silver shield
Exposer of the year: Spark The Kirin
Gayest: Phoenix Genevieve
Greenest grass: Decay
Heckening best: PinkBow
Least Spoopy Ghost: Decay
Manliest pony: Ryker
Most angry: Cambia
Most bestest daughter UuU: Decay
Most ghostly daughter: Decay
Most late to the party: tornado
Most nominations: Decay
Most open colluder: Schwoopy Tail
Most Shipped OCs: Chisel hammer
Most truthful: Charlie
Most unique OCs: Snow Storm
Not even a bird: Corona
Okay-est: Ryker
Okayest Hippogriff: Corona
Saltiest fox: Kitsune
Saltiest user: Kitsune
SO Needs better friends: Sion-the-Rapadant
Sparkliest Pony UuU: Rumbas Heart
Starts the most shit: Kitsune
Supplier of the best cuddles and advice: Wolfbane
Strong and epic about his RP style and hanging in there: LongHaul
Thirstiest: Serendibite
Top Kirin: Serendibite
Top saddest anime death: NoDingay Nation
Toughest: Rose Bud
White girl of the year: Corona
Topics: 1:, 1:
5 people like this.
Oh my lord, can we not? This is old and doesn't need to be bumped
Like June 22, 2018
View 1 more reply
It's old. Doesn't deserve to be bumped
Like June 22, 2018
Schwoopy Tail
Could say the same bout u.
Like June 22, 2018
Maxh Vezpyre
Bell button, use it you basic.
Like June 22, 2018
Schwoopy Tail
Blog Most Deserving of being Bumped : This one.
Like June 22, 2018
View 7 more replies
Like June 22, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
I want to respond to him but I'm supposed to not be able to see his comments :c
Like June 22, 2018
Like June 22, 2018
Silver Note
Quite the list!
Like June 22, 2018
I NEVER KNEW KARL WAS A COMMUNIST edit: now that i think about it, the name makes it make more sense Karlhienz... View More
Like September 21, 2018 Edited
Schwoopy Tail
Like September 21, 2018 Edited
City Bread
wHy dId yOu nEcRoBuMp ThIs
Like September 21, 2018
because it was in the RANDoM BLOGS thinGY
Like September 21, 2018