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Aurelia Dawn
by on January 5, 2018
To the stars, to the heavens, to Celestia above, to whoever's out there and willing to listen.
I could really use some help right about now.
I'm here in Canterlot. But I don't feel home. And I don't know where to turn. I've always been told the stars will guide me where I'm to go. And stars? I've been following you ever since you've given me my cutie mark, and I'm still not sure where to turn. A little more help maybe?
"The stars will guide you through the dark night, and when the sun dawns, you will be home once more," Aurelia intoned, reciting the line she had been told hundreds of times before. "Tch, not like it's helped before."
This is supposed to be the new start, but I already feel like I can't find the starting line. Canterlot is a wondrously terrifying new town. It is so open and bright and beautiful, yet so cold, closed, and ugly. Welcoming and rejecting. I can no longer tell if the butterflies in my stomach are from excitement or anxiety when I think of now living in this new town.
Or perhaps it's just me worrying about the future.
She paused here to think for a minute, mindlessly letting the pencil tap on the desk all the while. Ya that might be it. Or it could be the idea of dealing with those snooty looks that pop up now and again. Canterlot was so full of the pretentious.
Setting out on my own isn't what I thought it would be. It's way more terrifying than anything I could imagine. New city, new year, new me, right?
Yet even in this new town the stars are the same. So I'm asking you, maybe shine a light? Lend a little help? I don't want to say I'm scared, but I don't know what else to call it.
I know one day things will be alright, the dawn always come. But I'm not there yet, it's only the darkest of nights for me.
So stars, I ask you, maybe a glimmer in this dark? It's all I ask.
Forever in your light,
Aurelia Dawn
Content with her letter, Aurelia proceeded to fold it up. With a drop of wax at the folded edges, she sealed it with a stamp containing and image identical to her cutie mark, as her mother had taught her long ago. Whenever she needed help, it was best to write to the stars. For the stars are eternal and ever watching, ever knowing. Ponies had been living under their gaze for eons, and they would always be there to help.
When the wax was dry and she was content with her work, Aurelia took a step back and focused on the letter. Her golden magic manifested, and took the shape of two stars circling around her horn.
"Ad astra," she casted.
The magic enveloped the letter, and it burst into a shower of golden light and sparkles. Slowly the golden lights floated up and out her open window, twinkling as they went. She watched as they ascended to the skies above, to join amongst the mass of lights already up there.
Only once the last of the golden lights disappeared, could Aurelia breath. It always felt good to get her problems off her chest, she could breath again. She could do this.
As she shut the window, she looked towards the skyline. Dawn was peaking over the horizon, right near the Canterlot Library. Huh, maybe she should explore there tomorrow. She had a free day, and the place was bound to have all sorts of history books. Stars above knew how old Canterlot was, what stories could she learn there?
With that thought, she magicked the curtains shut and curled into her tiny bed in her empty apartment. It was a new day.

// psa, so this is part of an anthology series I wanna write about Aurelia Dawn, as I tell the tale of her finally coming into her own. She has her cutie mark, and knows what she likes and what she's good at, but that doesn't mean everything magically works out.
it'll likely contain bits of backstory, and some of my own exploration into pony culture and what not. if you can't guess by this, Aurelia and her family have a bit of a star theme going on, so expect the theme of stars, home, and identity to be prevalent here. I wanna tell her story in a series of letter, kinda working with the idea of how blogs are friendship letters here. I think it'll be fun :)