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Snow Storm
by on February 2, 2024
For this month of February, we will be hosting two events in the spirit of love and friendship.
Throughout this month, users may color in, edit, trace or copy these images provided:
Once finished with your work, please share it to the Misty Nights (PR) user page!
Side note: The files will be available on the Canterlot Avenue Discord for better digital editing.
The second activity is sending a love gram to someone who'll be receiving your message from Misty Nights (PR) on the 14th of February. How this works:
Think of something lovely to say and send that message to Misty Nights (PR) with the name of the recipient.
Then, Misty Nights will transcribe it to a love gram that looks like this:
(Credit to Talon Brush)
Then, on the 14th of February, your friend will receive it anonymously!
Users that do one or both activities will receive this badge:
If users have any questions, feel free to ask here or a PR representative!
18 people like this.
The files are available on the discord for better quality Cool Not like I’m banned from there or anything for the stupidest reason
Like February 3, 2024
Snow Storm
I'll message it to you if you'd like! :))
Like February 3, 2024
Nah, was just pointing out that some people might be unable to retrieve them
Like February 3, 2024
Sweet Muffin
hey is it okay if you could message me the files please? <3 i do not have acess to discord atm- sorry for any troubles
Like February 5, 2024
Snow Storm
Be in contact with you in PM c;
Like February 5, 2024
Sweet Muffin
thank you so much!! it means alot <33
Like February 5, 2024
Honey Seep
I reeeeeally wish I could but I'm gonna be working a lot to make up for stuffs and might not have enough time to. I will try to see if I can scour some time to write something nice and heartfelt ^^
Like February 8, 2024
Snow Storm
It doesn't have to be long! Just a sentence will be fine on a love gram. They will be handed out on the 14th of February PST if that helps!
Like February 8, 2024
Honey Seep
Awesome! Do I need to put it on anything specific or just send it to Misty Nights PMs?
Like February 8, 2024 Edited
"How long will it take before everypony realizes the true origins of Hearts and Hooves Day? ...that the holiday was nothing more than a marketing scam by the Flim Flam brothers."
Like February 10, 2024
"lies! Its perfect and ancient tradition! And to celebrate this wonderful tradition buying Flimflam branded Treats are the best way to show your affection to your special somepony!
Like February 10, 2024
Marenipulate had a hearty laugh from Flam's response. Oh, they never ceased to amuse her with their sales tactics. She was half expecting them to flat-out deny such doings. They did, but not without an advertisement at the end. Classic Flim and Flam. "It would be an Equestrian sin for the Flim Flam ... View More
Like February 10, 2024