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Ambient Waves
by on January 8, 2018
Hello, so this is for future reference and to educate people on Ambient's more cannon of worlds if anyone wishes to know what Devka is or if anyone is keen of Roleplaying with-in this place/world with Ambient or if they want a oc in this world or somethingKeep in mind this is still very much W.I.P so things are to change here and there. Also enjoy the read or just skip 100% of this maybe 50%
~Sky lands~
A region in the sky of floating bits of earth scattered only connected by wooden bridges,as it was high up below the islands was a massive ocean that would take days to swim to shore. IT's filled with horrible flying creatures from drakes/wyverns to harpy's and flying snakes far off in the distance. Though have a massive amount of bunnies on the main areas of the sky islands .
Zephyr Kingdom - A large kingdom containing of 5 massive floating island made out of Rocks and Crystals floating above the Vast and expansive Devka ocean. It's also a place for griffins who want to escape Radiance Deathcrests rule, It's also the Home of the current ruler of the Sky lands (Acallia - A pegasus mare)
Griffin Kingdom - A very deadly place for anything that isn't a griffin, They are savage brutal and only think of themselves as the true ruler of the Sky lands (Radiance Deathcrest)
Weather:Always clear skies
>Weddings - Vines with heart shape leaves dangle/hanging and streaching across street light to street light, as petles filled the floor on the path the bride walked as the entire kingdom of where Acallia lives if made a deep red with banners of royal dark red with a glowing heart that lights the night
>Day of Blessing - The world is lighten up with paper lanterns across the places, as every pony gathers upon the edge of the 5th island, they write wishes and dreams even what they inspire to be, as they put it in lanters and let the strong wind carry it into the clouds, this event is held monthly
Plant life / Trees
See botanical section.
Pony Types/Hybrid types
Griffins, Dragons, Pegasus, Unicorns, Foxes and bird pones, bunny ponies.
~Glowing forest~
A dense forest, where the plants glow under the thick and heavy canopy of the trees above blocking out even the smallest of light. Very dangerous monsters live and hunt there. From timber wolves to Basilisks and much, much more.
~Glowing City~ - A City build above the ground in tree house from one tree to another spreading over a large amount of the Glowing Forest. It's main encampment the town owner lives. is hanging above a massive home.
~Winter Berry's Potion Store~
A place were rare, exotic and even the most illegal of potions found in the world is sold here.
Timberwolves, Bears, Spiders/Driders, Foxes, Wolves, Hydras, W,I,P
Pony/Hybrid types.
Timberpony, Drider Ponies, Wolf/dog Ponies, squirrel ponies, Pony, Zebra.
~Devka desert~
The desert makes up a large amount of the realm, as it stretches over most of the middle of the land. This place is filled with tombs, sphinxes, naga and more.
~Shop/Town/Kingdom's~ -
~Tel'Adre~ - A medium sized kingdom filled with different types of ponies home of the famous Queen Cleorina. Who rules over the desert island with a iron fist. No crime goes unpunished here and is the safest of every kingdom in the realm.
~Emberville~ - A town that never sleeps, as the roads are made from hot embers. fires light up the town at all times, as only phoenix's have ever been allowed.
Camp Heartfire - A place where pet's of all kinds are sold, from tigers, bears to even bunny rabbits.
Hell's Gate - Located deep underground in the Temple of Da'rak-kin riddles with traps, curses, mummy's and more a one way trip to get into the darkness that hides under the ground leading to the Devka Underbelly.
Pony life?
Naga, Lamia, Pony, W.I.P
~The flat lands~
Name speaks for itself. It stretches from beach to beach on the bottom of the realm.
Silverwilde - A small town covered in farm land the home of most of the more interesting hybrids of sheep ponies, to normal sheep and cows hybrids.
Labyrinth Library - the Largest library that spends though the whole underneath of the flat lands, a lot of ponies/Griffins and more are never seen again once they enter.
~The underbelly (Hells Gate)~
Located under the islands from a volcano cave, that's filled with corruption, lava, underground volcanoes and more, the place is for no adventurer, as it's filled with the most horrible of creatures. Hell hounds, demons, incubus, onmibus, imps and more
~Kingdom Devka~ - A kingdom made out of obsidian and lava, the ruler of the realm of Devka lives there. As he operates the realm though the bottom of it. He controls the land and the sea the town and city is filled with corruption and hate. Don't be surprised to be ripped off or have all your possessions stolen or more. Filled with gambling and things no pony should ever have happen to them.
The newest being
~The Infinite Marsh~
The infinite Marsh takes it's name amongst the inhabitants of Devka, as the fog is always heavy with-in the swamp located around the base of the Mountain known as The Ethereal Heights. that even cause the most skilled ponies to get lost, as many have lost there lives here unknowing what is inside, as anypony who enters never leaves.
City of the Broken - Located within the middle of right side of the mountains base, as it is filled with Changlings of all types the houses build of a strong black carapace filled with green glowing lights, as the Queen located there was Queen Eve. little is known about this City, as no pony ever returned upon seing a glympse of the city.
The Ethereal Cove - Located just to the side leading deep into the Cave, as it leads straight to the top of the Ethereal Heights though the twisted dark depths. the Cave is said to be filled and flooded with undocumented Terror of creatures that are immune to aging and magic. the Cave/Cove itself is known to grand any pony who makes it to the top unlimited power of the most defensive arts known in Magic. Changlings avoid this cave, as only tthey know the sheer terror located with-in.
The Obsidian Shore - this place is located around the back of the mountain where it meets with the cold water surronding the mountain tops, as the place gets it's name from the Ethereal Heights from the Lava slowly pouring down the mountain crashing with the waves the place is uninhabitble.
Marsh of Whispers - This is located to the left side of the mountain, as there are always sounds of Whispers flowing with-in always knowing any ones name who walks in telling them to "come close" leading them to there death and getting them lost with-in the Infinite Marsh.
The Celestial Haven - What inhabitants call heaven
The Killing Planes - What they call hell.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Botanical Section~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Glowing Forest Botanica
Glowing Forest Plant life Documented though years from an Adventurer known as "Violet Myth" a unicorn dedicated to learning about the plantlife and life in Devka.
>Moon Poppy - A poppy that glimers in the moon light and hides during the day, it reflects the glow of the moons light giving it a bright silver look if any manage to shine it's way though the thick canapy
>Dragon's Pepper - Used in normal cooking as a very strong pepper with a very hot sting into it's bite that makes ones body feel like it's on fire.
>Jealous Bindweed - This is a very odd weed that grows with-in the forest, it has no colour almost..every pony I have shown it to says it's a different colour hardly anyone sees it the same, the odd part it what ever colour it is is always the ponies favorite colour. I guess it chooses a colour to make it stand out to that pony trying to draw attention from other plant life.
>Death's Poke - A very sharp bush with no leaves, a pure brown stem which each horn if filled with a very, very painful poison that hurts massivly feel...the pain is to hard do describe, I could swear it was impossible to breath, air i breathed burned every bit i could feel it food tasted aweful and so did water. Avoid at all costs.
>Demon's Bean - A very dark red berry that has been known to be poisonous to anypony who eats it and has been reported cases of death if not eaten at the right time in it's stage.
>Spider Grapevine - This plant is weird in how it grows..the vine itself is almost exactly like a spiders web, it's soft and flexable and catches small insects and feeds off then slowly sapping them of there life force, it only seems to feed on fly's and other insects and is not interested in anything large like ponies, rabbits every time a fly fully seems to grow a odd berry in it's place..I am one not willing to even try it.
>Shy Ambrosia - I have named this plant because it is wonderful to look at, it glows a dark blue bioluminescence with two green bulbs hanging from the side that glow green, upon feeling any light from the moon or the sun or a torch it wraps itself with two long green leaves hanging around the base. It seems to also do the same and hide upon feeling anything touch it or any noise around it, it seems odd for a plant to hear..if you can even call it a plant?
>Blood Lotus - This flower is a dark red that grows within lonly a few small lakes, it seems to spread rather fast as if..every thing that dies with-in the lake a Blood Lotus seems to be there the next day, Maybe it's a parasite like flower that kills the fish or what ever it in it and uses it to grow..any river with these in it I suggest you avoid if it prays only on fish or others, I don't want to risk it.
>Nightmare Sorrel - A odd fruit that grows with-in the forest it seems to cause nightmares if eaten, it tastes sweet like sugar or something sweet..though it seems to cause nightmares upon eating to any pony who I show or give one to.
>Daydream Blossom - I suggest you avoid this small bush it grows blossoms on them but something is odd about the auroma about them, when ever I'm near them no matter what energy I am feeling at the time..I just feel tired.
>Serpent Roadweed - these weeds are odd they grow in almost like a path from one plant to another seemingly continuing in cirlces sometimes straight lines, this is odd it's almost creating a path for anything to walk on allowing them not to touch the forest floor.
>Weeping Hedge - A odd bush that seems to grow like a Hedge making a maze almost between them, they seem to always be dripping with water or some kind of liquid that is very, very's very odd..and the plant smells like..oddly walnuts.
>Moon Birch - A birch tree that seems to have leafs with a odd coating on it almost like a symbiotic relationship between the Bacteria which seem to luminate or reflect the moons light, the bacteria seems to only grow around the vains of the leafs only lighting those up not the entire leaf looking kinda like a miniture constellation on each leaf, though the tree is wonderful it seems that the tree is a rather are find to see and grow massivly towards the stop of the canapy, the branches seem to spread in a odd pattern almost like a umbrella. Any rain that falls off it seems to carry a biolumance of some kind allowing the rain drop that fell off to lightly glow, we don't know if it's the bacteria that fell off it caught in the raindrop or a secretion like substance from the leaf.
>Grim Elm - It's and odd tree that seems to almost appear dead, as it never grows any leafs at all only just a non stop expansion of branches and sticks, the tree isn't to big it grows to the size of a normal alicorn. The tree seems to attract vines or ivy like plants to wrap around the tree to reach higher bits. It's almost like a tree that allows Ivy or vines to grow into or like a tree.
>Screaming Willow - It's a normal willow tree though the difference is it's a odd form as the tree seems to consist of smaller bits one one giant stem but a group of others wrapping and growing around it, in small branches reaching up and spreading out on the top, as the wind blows though the gaps of the trees bark of all fo them wrapped around each other it creates a odd sound sometimes like a scream.
>Fire Palm - A very odd tree the leafs seem to leave a odd red residue on them that attaches to water colouring the water a deep dark red, upon further studies it seems that it poses no harm or threat. it's odd because the water that falls off the red leafs of the tree are warm it seems to match the height of the Moon Birch Trees.
>Bright Locust - A odd tree resembling the same traits as the Fire Palm, I'm guessing the tree seems to be adapting to different colours due to the seeds breeding or merging with the plants around them causing them to change colour, the water that falls off this is a deep dark green and seems to be as cold as normal rain.
>Spirit Mangrove - A tree that seems to be very, very amongst the lower half of the canapy, the leaves seem to be a bright glowing purple as a small vine with pink flowers hangs off every leaf. water that touches this turns a bright glowing purple. the tree is very rare as it's only known to grow in Graveyards, it seems to be the same type as the Firepalm, but it is different in it gives off a odd vibe when around it like the tree is alive.
>Glaical Spruce - A tree that streaches out into the canapy joining both the Fire palm and Moon Birch, as it seems to be almost the same as the Fire Palm species of trees found thoughout the forest, the tree is odd the the bark and wood of the tree looks frozen or a very pale blue tree, as the leaves of the tree appear to be seethough and most of the water that touches it is turned a deep blue and frozen, as some drops manage to make it off quickly and fall to the ground, light from moon or sun even other drops can reflect off it's shiny half frozen drop of water. They are very to extreamly cold.
>Ocean Maple - A small tree that grows in the middle of Lakes found thoughout the glowing forest, the tree filters out a lot of bacteria and is capable of stopping Blood Lotus's from showing up in lakes, this tree makes the water of a lake compleatly crystal clear and light blue. the leafs of the tree are aslo blue and when crushed up or picked smells like ocean water.
>Dragon Cedar - A tree that grows rarely thoughout the Glowing Forest, as it's found mostly around the main area where people live. It's a very light orange colour, as it lets out a very nice smell that can mask most other smells. droplets or rain that hit the Dragon Cedar tree turn a nice orange and smell like oddly apples.
~Sky Lands Botanica~
Skylands Botanica - By Violet Myth.
>Twilight Willow - This tree is found on the far Islands at Zypher Kingdom, the trees normally grow in the middle of the islands in the middle of large-ish lakes, the tree is huge in size and grows thick and tall. The Tree then spands out into a unbrealla covering the entire island in it's leaves and unbrealla shaped branches. The leaves have a odd trait to them charging in the sun, as the leaves are different colours of purple, violet, pink hues. Upon hitting night all the leaves lightly glow after being in the sun allowing some of the leaves to glow, as no sun light can reach though the large willows branches and leaves making it pitch black aside from the light of the leaves. they have been imported from the Glowing Forest, as they were going extincted due to "deaths poke" which was strangling the tree and poisoning it in a way.
>Mage's Pine - A odd tree the locals here call "Mage's Pine", they seem to say that it was a seed infused with mana and seems to only grow with-in the palace of the Zypher Kingdom in the main garden on the way in. it's a massive pine tree with no unique features about it, though when around the tree It's almost like I feel rested and restored.
>Island Spruce - A very common tree found on almost every skyisland including the main one, palace and mostly other areas it's basically a normal Spruce Tree.
>Royal Sycamore - Royal Sycamore is a large tree found commonly around the Main islands and the palace, it's called Royal Sycramore, as the tree was first introduced here as a Gift of a Princess from a far land.
>Living Tree - Not much is known about this tree, as it is kept heavily gaurded, it just looks like a rather gigantic Gumtree or Eucalyptus..The locals say this tree is rooted and made the mountains there self, some locals say it's just a very old tree thats been here for a long time and Acallia wanted to see how old it can grow, to the point where the roots of the tree hang off the rather large floating island its on.
>Blessed Wild Rose - A wild rose that seems to grow around the walls of the Zypher Kingdom, it's a normal wild rose but when crushed and mixed in water it seems to give the water healing properties.
>Angel's Berry - A very sweet berry that seems to grow a lot over the Skylands, it's named angel berry for the fact it can only grow in places where theres thin air or up high.
>Sweet Mint - A very sweet mint used in cooking and sweets, found almost every where thoughout Devka but not in Glowing Forest.
>Chilling Tulip - A nice loking flower thats cold to the touch, as it grows around the outskirts of the skyislands.
>Dragon's Garlic - A very spicy Garlic a hybrid breed between Chili and Galic.
>Mystic Bamboo - This bamboo seems to grow quite rarely around rivers, as it acts kinda like a wind chime when used, as they have small holes in it and sometimes press against eachother from the wind making odd sounds.
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