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by on January 9, 2018
I recon I could do a big long drawn out thingy on Whisper backstory... or I could do facts :D
First a little about Gelding Grotto in my own lore lol
Gelding Grotto is composed almost exclusively of former elite royal guards, it used to be considered the highest honor to be gelded in service of the princesses and focus solely on their protection, the extension of their rule and of the law. Now even the most elite must retire and so Gelding Grotto was born, a place for the retired guard to live among their peers. Many of them are far older as the practice of gelding has become more and more rare. there is a magic aura surrounding the Grotto extending the life of those who dwell there, legends say this is Celestia's gift to those that have served her so loyally, there is a hidden glade where those who choose it can end the magic and pass on naturally, this is considered Luna's gift. one last thing about the Grotto, as it is inhabited purely by gelded males some choose not to present themselves as male and to an outsider it would seem like any other village filled with mares and stallions.
Now onto how this applies to Whisper :P
Whisper was found as an orphan foal in the forest near the Grotto by some guards on patrol, her cries were so quiet she was almost ignored completely over the sound of the rain but they heard her and took her into the village. It was supposed that she must have been traveling with her parents when something happened, perhaps they meant to seek the Grotto for safety? They kept the young mare and wrapped her in many blankets to keep her warm, they noticed odd things like how she seemed more interested in sweeter foods and would refuse to eat unless it was sweetened, how her twisted leg seemed to untwist on its own... The elder of the village one Maester Lute Wind, former royal librarian came to the conclusion that whatever she is she is too young to be moved and if her parents were well they would come to the grotto in search for her. He chose Mitch and Rory to be her guardians. Mitch and Rory had become close while they served as guards and even closer in retirement, Rory choosing to present as a mare and Mitch in love with her. They had been struggling for years with not being able to have a child but wanting one so badly, they took the young mare in and gave her her name "Whisper" they loved her dearly and as Whisper grew they are the Mother and Father that Whisper knew and as far as she was concerned the only Mother and Father she has ever had.
Whispers upbringing and life in Gelding Grotto
Whisper grew up unaware of anything being strange, she had her momma and papa and depending on the age everyone in the grotto became her aunt or uncle or grandpa or grandma and she had maester Lute Wind and his library teaching her the ways of the world. As she grew older Lute Wind figured out her ancient race and told her the legend of how Cake Ponies were said to have been made by Luna using Celestia's magic secretly to surprise her sister as a gift, all cake ponies being descendants of this gift, this delighted the young Whisper and Luna became her role-model despite the former guards being so knowledgeable of nightmare moon and trying to convince her otherwise Whisper never once believed that Luna could ever do so much wrong. Unfortunately as a result of where she was raised and the tutelage of Lute Wind many things confuse Whisper, such as the physical differences between mares and stallions.
How Whisper got the Luna plush
Lute wind taught Whisper about the hidden glade and cautioned her to never visit it, so one night she crept in to where it was, she found a pool of still water illuminated by moonlight surrounded by the skeletal remains of ponies in armors of different eras. She was so curious she crept up to the still pool and gazed into it, there she saw her reflection as well as the reflection of every guard who had ever chosen to drink from it . Scared she ran away straight into Lute Wind, Lute Wind chastised her and brought her to her parents. that night she had unquiet dreams and she had the same dreams every night, sad dreams, dreams that woke her screaming. Concerned Rory spoke to her while Mitch had an idea, and paying a passing trader handsomely the trader then took to canterlot and found the finest seamstress to create a custom Luna plush. When the trader delivered it Mitch and Rory gave it to Whisper saying it is a reminder that Luna can protect her and will keep the bad dreams away. Whisper kept the plush close and sleeps with it to this day.
Some more random facts
Mitch and Rory both belong to rich bloodlines and as the last of their bloodlines Whisper is their sole heir and has access to their combined fortunes. they of course keep financial advisors in their employ to prevent Whisper from doing anything too crazy as she clearly has a lack of understanding of money. that being said as she explores and wonders the world for herself she is in good hands financially.
Whisper once bought a gingerbread house not realizing that while it looks like a gingerbread house it is in fact made of conventional materials and she could not eat it.
Welp I think that is all for now ^_^ and now you know more about the cake mare known as Whisper :D
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Basalt Alltrades
Some times, I, too, do the recon.
Like February 12, 2018