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Raven Sorrel
by on January 11, 2018
Heyoo it's ya girl Hicks back at it again with another guide! Today we're going over how to create albums for all your rad art!
Please note that in order for your uploaded images to count towards the Photographer achievement they must be uploaded into an album. Plus you have to scroll ALL the way through your wall feed to find images that aren't in albums as they do not show up in the photos section of your profile if you don't.

The first thing you want to do is go to your profile under the photo section. For me, it looks like this
Or if you prefer it like this the link is; (and then, of course, replace 'Zah' with your own username!)
From here we click on this beautiful green button over on the right side of the screen
That button will take you to this screen:
Admittedly it looks kinda scary, but fear not, I got your back!
What you want to do next is click on the "Create a New Photo Album" text - because it is actually clickable even though it might not look like it.
That opens up a new window that looks like this:
Everything here should be pretty self-explanatory. At the bottom of the window you can change the privacy settings for your albums, y'know, in case you don't want everyone to be able to see your art. There are the following options:
After you click submit the window will close and your newly created album will be selected as the photo album the batch of images you're about to upload will be added to

Think that's it for now, if you have questions feel free to ask in a comment on this blog. More guides can be found in the hub-blog below.
12 people like this.
These are so good :D good job Hickory ^_^
Like January 11, 2018
You are a good <3
Like January 11, 2018
Raven Sorrel
Like January 11, 2018
Crann Taca
Was that fixed where you had to have photo's in an album to get the achievement? I've yet to make the album but have been making progress on the achievement anyway
Like May 28, 2018
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Raven Sorrel
For example if you look at Chisel's photos, none of her recent wall-post-pictures show up under the photos section - only the ones in an album show up.
Like May 28, 2018
Raven Sorrel
Same thing happens to me; for example I have 10 pictures of Hickory in an album and they all show up; But I also have this image that I uploaded in a wallpost that doesn't show up in my photos section and also doesn't count towards the total amount of photos I'... View More
Like May 28, 2018 Edited
Crann Taca
It must have been my luck of the Irish cause I never had that problem
Like May 28, 2018
Sean Silvermane
I can't upload images. I have a (+) button and it will only allow me to share photos. I'm new to CA, can that be the reason why I can't upload. Or am I missing something all together.
Like October 8, 2019
Raven Sorrel
Send me a DM and I'll do what I can to help! (Actually on second glance it looks like some of the buttons/terms were changed on site since this blog was made. The "share" button is the same as the upload button)
Like October 8, 2019 Edited