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by on January 11, 2018
well if you over anylize anything and everything as i do it becomes evident that society is coming to an end there nuclear threats flying around mascures have kinda normal on the news and my generation ... SUCKS all the kids just wanna be in a gang or dream of killing others or them self im ready for the world to end arent you
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Trixie the Scavenger
I think my brain just crashed.
Like January 11, 2018
great someone hide that body
Like January 11, 2018
Violence in the western world has gone down dramatically during the last 30 years. Humanity is at its most peaceful era ever. But because we're not desensitized towards real world violence and the new loves to share stories of them because they sell better than any other kinds of stories, we're tric... View More
Like January 11, 2018
wow im friending you now
Like January 12, 2018
Ty ♥
Like January 12, 2018