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by on January 20, 2018
A growing epidemic is upon Canterlot Avenue. We all humbly ask that you ban the usage of a growing population of deer characters and any characters containing deer lineage on your website. There are many reasons that this would be a step in the right direction for the site, the main points being:
• This site is based off of My Little Pony. We're already pushing it with the popular gryphons and abominations that are hippogriffs and kirins. To allow deer is a step too far, and already getting out of hand.
• Deer characters are almost always unrealistic. Manes? Females with antlers? No fucking thanks, that's not how it works. They also pass on these traits to the abomination known as "deer ponies", tainting the gene pool. You ever seen a pony and a deer in the wild together?
• Have you ever seen a deer on the show? Do we really consider the comic 'canon'? No, it isn't. I don't care what anyone says.
• Deer are based off of destructive, dangerous animals. They offer absolutely nothing to this earth. In fact, deer cause about 200 human deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage every year. That's a lot compared to ponies, which are relatively harmless creatures. Deer also carry diseases and you shouldn't touch them.
Please take all of these facts into consideration and ask that all deer be converted to ponies or be banned.
Everyone, thanks

satire, idiots
34 people like this.
Snow Storm
Like September 13, 2018
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Snow Storm
Sooomebody must've deleted their commmenT
Like September 13, 2018
Snow Storm
No but seriously, that's not right. Thrro didn't comment on this blog.
Like September 13, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
o, must be a coincidental glitch in both email and notifications. silly CA. >.>
Like September 13, 2018 Edited
Skipping Stone
"Oh my," Skips muttered as he gazed upon the rumpled piece of paper somebody had dragged out into the street and put on display.
Like September 13, 2018
Bright Brave
Yes. YES!!!
Like November 15, 2018
Maxh Vezpyre
OwO what's this? *Fucking dies*
Like November 15, 2018