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by on January 30, 2018
This is a story I’m currently writing. It’s a next gen story that focuses on my next gen mane 6. Please leave feedback!
Chapter 1: Flashlight’s Introduction
It’s been a while since my mother and her friends sacrificed themselves to bring peace to Equestria, almost fifteen years now. I still remember, I was only around five or six. I didn’t understand it at the time, she was crying as she told me she had to go. I was unsure of what she had meant, she went on adventures all the time. I remember the last time she hugged me, the last time I saw her walk out the door, it’s the first thing I actually can remember.
It’s hard being a prince when the pony who raises you isn’t part of your family. My father would have taken care of me, but my parents never got married, he never became royalty, so he wasn’t allowed to have custody of me. He’s a guard at the castle, so he was able to come see me every night, but I wish I could have had a normal childhood with him. It’s too late for that now, my childhood has passed.
Everypony tells me how great she was, how she saved Equestria multiple times, how she started the School Of Friendship. I wish I could have been there to see it all. All I have left of her is a letter she gave me before she left. I read it every night before I go to bed. It calms me to read it, it means a lot that she took the time to write a letter for me to remember her by.
Miss Starlight was her first student, and is now the headmistress at her School Of Friendship. She taught me most of what I know about friendship, just as my mother had taught her, but I just never felt a connection with her. I know she cares about me, but it just didn’t feel like she was family to me.
My friends are all in the same position as me, as my friends are the children of my mother’s friends. All of us are missing our mothers from our lives, but we’ve learned to stay strong, to fight in the battle against evil, just as they had before us. We know we can’t do anything to get them back, but that’s never going to stop us from fighting for what’s right, the acceptance of every creature in Equestria.
Chapter 2: Rare’s Introduction
I was always told I had the artistic eye of my mother when it came to fashion. It’s always been my dream to become a famous designer, just like she was. The fashion industry was never the same after she and her friends sacrificed themselves, nopony was able to meet the quality of her work, not even me.
I’ve been living in the castle ever since she left, my father has been there to take care of me. Miss Starlight has been there too, but always seemed to be occupied with taking care of Flashlight when we were growing up. Despite that, Flashlight and I have always been the closest of friends, almost like brother and sister.
It’s difficult being half dragon, everypony thinks you’re weird or that you’re evil or something. Years ago my father brought the magic of friendship to the dragon lands, but some ponies just don’t accept that. If it wasn’t for my friends, I wouldn’t have anypony to talk to. They’re the only ones that accept me for who and what I am. I wish everypony could be like that.
I hardly ever leave the castle anymore. I’m twenty years old and too insecure to leave the comfort of my home. I know everypony in Ponyville will just shun me away, leaving me in the dust. The only time I ever leave is when somepony goes with me.
If my mother hadn’t sacrificed herself, things would probably be different. Ponies would probably accept me and understand I’m just like them. But with the Princess Of Friendship and her friends gone, it’s not going to happen.
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Just added chapter 2
Like January 30, 2018
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Are all the characters going to be turbo-snowflakes?
Like January 30, 2018
Like January 30, 2018
I have found a permanent editor for this story. I will continue to post it here every two or three chapters.
Like January 31, 2018
I like it, but I suck at feedback oof
Like March 21, 2019