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by on February 6, 2018
First of all, my name is Nimbus, and I am writing to you because you are the Princess of Friendship. You see, I have a problem. I have a strong desire to reach out and make friends with others, but my efforts don't seem to be working. The thing is, although everyone around me has been super friendly and welcoming, which I am super grateful for, I don't know that I have very many actual friends.
My trouble seems to stem a bit from being a bit of a latecomer to things, and since that is the case it seems that everyone is already in their groups and they aren't putting any effort into including anyone else into it. Not that they're mean about it, but they just go off doing the things that they already know they enjoy doing which makes it kind of hard and awkward for anyone else to join in.
Another part of my problem is the fact that I am very introverted and I feel like I would e forcing my way into things if I tried too hard, which I don't want to do. At the same time, this sense of loneliness is really starting to get to me, and I am spending more and more time away from the things that I really need to be doing, even going so far as to forsake sleep or homework, among other things in favor of doing something, anything, to make me forget how alone I truly feel. I just don't know what to do, and it's getting worse. If there is any advice you could give me it would be heavily appreciated.
Your concerned citizen,