Friendship Letters
Step one. Become a Derpibooru artist.
Step two.Draw the blog and make the theme good.
Step there make a url and post a question.
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Well I wanted someone to take care of drawing, but no one wants to do that.... Honestly I would even allow the artist to be in the ask blogs, hell even a bunch of people, like guest ponies, and long term pones sigh.... but this dream isn't going to be met....
February 15, 2018
theres also drawing training teams . Just leran or get some help. Like im gonna apply for the new artist trianing grounds for bronies
February 15, 2018
An ask page is kinda a long term project. I don't think many artist want to continue time and effort to some one else's work.... if they wanna do an ask page the logical conclusion is they will make one themselves...where they have control