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Starlit Spackle
by on February 8, 2018
Minty Cream
Earth Pony
Body Colour:
Mane Colour:
Spring Green with brown ends
Eye Colour:
Minty Cream was born to her parents in a town outside of the Las Pegasus city limits. Her parents owned an ice cream shop, of which she assisted operating from a young age. Her parents were calm and benevolent, operating their store with humility and charm. The Creamery was all about enjoying the moment, and using the opportunity of eating the icecream to reflect on the simple pleasures. Minty countered the reflective atmosphere with her energy and drive - darting around to serve customers and clean the shop. She was social with everyone who came into the store, and always served with a smile. She took pride in helping her parents with their work. She took the time to chat with the customers that she served - albeit the conversations were commonly one sided. She brought energy, but sometimes she got very carried away. She would forget about the moment and get caught up in monologuing about ice cream. No matter, many saw her energy and ditzy personality as endearing. She was stir crazy however, and wanted to feel the freedom of travel. At many points she planned to create a roaming ice cream shop where she could travel the world, and serve ice cream to anyone who needed a nice cool treat. These plans were usually faulted by the fact that she did not have the ability to freeze the ice cream during the travels. No matter how much ice she packed in, it would always thaw.
Cutie Mark Image:
Cutie Mark Story
Minty Cream is an energetic, adventurous pony. She wanted to move, see, and talk. Saying at home with the shop was not the ideal, but she accepted it for what it was - an opportunity to bask in her favourite hobby, Ice Cream. As mentioned previously, her goal is to make a roaming ice cream stand of which she'd be able to participate in her trade on all corners of the globe. The problem being - that ice cream required to be frozen. No matter how much she fiddled and tinkered with the idea, she could not come up with a way to keep the ice cream from thawing out.
She had gone out walking around the town, on a particularly hot day. She roamed, and ruminated about what was going on in the moment. While she was roaming, she felt a brief cool breeze pass her by, making her hair stand on end. It was colder than a breeze caused by wind, of that she was certain. It was chilling cold. She changed direction, and walked towards where she thought the cold had come from. Out in the barren plains near her town, there was a bright blue lizard hanging out in the shadow of a rock. As she approached it, she felt the ground getting cooler and cooler.
It was, an Ice Lizard. A not exceedingly, but still rare sight in the Marejave Desert. Ice Lizards possess a type of magic that makes them quite literally cold blooded. They are capable of radiating below-freezing temperatures without being frozen themselves. Technically they are the same temperature as any other living thing - but they definitely do not feel that way. While these creatures can regulate their own temperature, most don't outside of survival situations. Their cold magic is used as defense from predators.
Minty approached the lizard, and looked at it curiously. The lizard stared back. She approached closer, slowly. The lizard continued to stare. Minty took a minute to sit and feel the surroundings. How cold the air was, how cold the ground was under her hooves. An idea popped into her head.
She rushed home faster than she had run before. She knew her mission. She grabbed a tub of ice cream (Peanut Pecan, however this detail is not critical to the story), and galloped back to the lizard. When she arrived, the lizard was still there - being a lazy freeloader in the shade of the rock. She again approached the lizard, and it stared back at her with an impartial gaze. She took a scoop of ice cream, and let it fall to the ground. The instant it touched the ground, the lizard's eyes popped with excitement and curiosity. Something colder than it was, here in the desert? Minty set the tub of ice cream on the ground, and backed away several paces to give the lizard room.
The lizard approached the tub, and licked the side. The frozen condensation was something that is oft experienced in the desert - due to the low humidity. It tasted the crystals of the water, but most importantly - the ice cream. Its curiosity peaked once again, and it climbed on top of the tub. It tested the surface with a claw. Then two, and three, and four. It licked the surface, and its tongue was met with the most delicious sugary substance it has ever experienced. It began licking the ice cream at a faster pace, ignoring the pecans and going straight for the peanut butter.
Minty took it back home, and placed it within the wagon that she had created for her traveling shop. To test out her theory, she roamed around town in the hot sun. When she returned to her home, she opened the top - and the ice cream was still cold. Well... what remained of it. She had to work out that detail later.
Cutie Mark Acquired.
Ditzy, Energetic, Fixates easily.
Ice Cream, making others happy with ice cream, conversations about ice cream
Those who dislike ice cream, those who do not speak.
Ice cream making from years of experience. Apprentice craftsman from repairing the shop.
14 people like this.
Monarch Masquerade
Like February 16, 2018
Celtic Cross
//I remember this... good OC.
Like March 15, 2018
"That last smile get's you far"
Like June 19, 2018
How dare your cutie-mark not be mint chocolate chip ice cream, for shame.
Like September 19, 2018
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
Agreed! That's my favorite Ice Cream!
Like September 22, 2018